(() => { // node_modules/@ungap/custom-elements/index.js (function() { "use strict"; var Lie = typeof Promise === "function" ? Promise : function(fn) { var queue = [], resolved = 0, value; fn(function($) { value = $; resolved = 1; queue.splice(0).forEach(then); }); return { then }; function then(fn2) { return resolved ? setTimeout(fn2, 0, value) : queue.push(fn2), this; } }; var attributesObserver = function(whenDefined2, MutationObserver2) { var attributeChanged = function attributeChanged2(records) { for (var i = 0, length = records.length; i < length; i++) { dispatch(records[i]); } }; var dispatch = function dispatch2(_ref2) { var target = _ref2.target, attributeName = _ref2.attributeName, oldValue = _ref2.oldValue; target.attributeChangedCallback(attributeName, oldValue, target.getAttribute(attributeName)); }; return function(target, is2) { var attributeFilter = target.constructor.observedAttributes; if (attributeFilter) { whenDefined2(is2).then(function() { new MutationObserver2(attributeChanged).observe(target, { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, attributeFilter }); for (var i = 0, length = attributeFilter.length; i < length; i++) { if (target.hasAttribute(attributeFilter[i])) dispatch({ target, attributeName: attributeFilter[i], oldValue: null }); } }); } return target; }; }; var TRUE = true, FALSE = false; var QSA$1 = "querySelectorAll"; function add(node) { this.observe(node, { subtree: TRUE, childList: TRUE }); } var notify = function notify2(callback, root, MO) { var loop = function loop2(nodes, added, removed, connected, pass) { for (var i = 0, length = nodes.length; i < length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (pass || QSA$1 in node) { if (connected) { if (!added.has(node)) { added.add(node); removed["delete"](node); callback(node, connected); } } else if (!removed.has(node)) { removed.add(node); added["delete"](node); callback(node, connected); } if (!pass) loop2(node[QSA$1]("*"), added, removed, connected, TRUE); } } }; var observer = new (MO || MutationObserver)(function(records) { for (var added = new Set(), removed = new Set(), i = 0, length = records.length; i < length; i++) { var _records$i = records[i], addedNodes = _records$i.addedNodes, removedNodes = _records$i.removedNodes; loop(removedNodes, added, removed, FALSE, FALSE); loop(addedNodes, added, removed, TRUE, FALSE); } }); observer.add = add; observer.add(root || document); return observer; }; var QSA = "querySelectorAll"; var _self$1 = self, document$2 = _self$1.document, Element$1 = _self$1.Element, MutationObserver$2 = _self$1.MutationObserver, Set$2 = _self$1.Set, WeakMap$1 = _self$1.WeakMap; var elements = function elements2(element) { return QSA in element; }; var filter = [].filter; var qsaObserver = function(options) { var live = new WeakMap$1(); var drop = function drop2(elements2) { for (var i = 0, length = elements2.length; i < length; i++) { live["delete"](elements2[i]); } }; var flush = function flush2() { var records = observer.takeRecords(); for (var i = 0, length = records.length; i < length; i++) { parse2(filter.call(records[i].removedNodes, elements), false); parse2(filter.call(records[i].addedNodes, elements), true); } }; var matches = function matches2(element) { return element.matches || element.webkitMatchesSelector || element.msMatchesSelector; }; var notifier = function notifier2(element, connected) { var selectors; if (connected) { for (var q, m = matches(element), i = 0, length = query2.length; i < length; i++) { if (m.call(element, q = query2[i])) { if (!live.has(element)) live.set(element, new Set$2()); selectors = live.get(element); if (!selectors.has(q)) { selectors.add(q); options.handle(element, connected, q); } } } } else if (live.has(element)) { selectors = live.get(element); live["delete"](element); selectors.forEach(function(q2) { options.handle(element, connected, q2); }); } }; var parse2 = function parse3(elements2) { var connected = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : true; for (var i = 0, length = elements2.length; i < length; i++) { notifier(elements2[i], connected); } }; var query2 = options.query; var root = options.root || document$2; var observer = notify(notifier, root, MutationObserver$2); var attachShadow2 = Element$1.prototype.attachShadow; if (attachShadow2) Element$1.prototype.attachShadow = function(init) { var shadowRoot = attachShadow2.call(this, init); observer.add(shadowRoot); return shadowRoot; }; if (query2.length) parse2(root[QSA](query2)); return { drop, flush, observer, parse: parse2 }; }; var _self = self, document$1 = _self.document, Map = _self.Map, MutationObserver$1 = _self.MutationObserver, Object$1 = _self.Object, Set$1 = _self.Set, WeakMap = _self.WeakMap, Element2 = _self.Element, HTMLElement2 = _self.HTMLElement, Node = _self.Node, Error2 = _self.Error, TypeError2 = _self.TypeError, Reflect = _self.Reflect; var Promise$1 = self.Promise || Lie; var defineProperty = Object$1.defineProperty, keys = Object$1.keys, getOwnPropertyNames = Object$1.getOwnPropertyNames, setPrototypeOf = Object$1.setPrototypeOf; var legacy = !self.customElements; var expando = function expando2(element) { var key = keys(element); var value = []; var length = key.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { value[i] = element[key[i]]; delete element[key[i]]; } return function() { for (var _i = 0; _i < length; _i++) { element[key[_i]] = value[_i]; } }; }; if (legacy) { var HTMLBuiltIn = function HTMLBuiltIn2() { var constructor = this.constructor; if (!classes.has(constructor)) throw new TypeError2("Illegal constructor"); var is2 = classes.get(constructor); if (override) return augment(override, is2); var element = createElement.call(document$1, is2); return augment(setPrototypeOf(element, constructor.prototype), is2); }; var createElement = document$1.createElement; var classes = new Map(); var defined = new Map(); var prototypes = new Map(); var registry = new Map(); var query = []; var handle = function handle2(element, connected, selector) { var proto = prototypes.get(selector); if (connected && !proto.isPrototypeOf(element)) { var redefine = expando(element); override = setPrototypeOf(element, proto); try { new proto.constructor(); } finally { override = null; redefine(); } } var method = "".concat(connected ? "" : "dis", "connectedCallback"); if (method in proto) element[method](); }; var _qsaObserver = qsaObserver({ query, handle }), parse = _qsaObserver.parse; var override = null; var whenDefined = function whenDefined2(name) { if (!defined.has(name)) { var _, $ = new Lie(function($2) { _ = $2; }); defined.set(name, { $, _ }); } return defined.get(name).$; }; var augment = attributesObserver(whenDefined, MutationObserver$1); defineProperty(self, "customElements", { configurable: true, value: { define: function define2(is2, Class) { if (registry.has(is2)) throw new Error2('the name "'.concat(is2, '" has already been used with this registry')); classes.set(Class, is2); prototypes.set(is2, Class.prototype); registry.set(is2, Class); query.push(is2); whenDefined(is2).then(function() { parse(document$1.querySelectorAll(is2)); }); defined.get(is2)._(Class); }, get: function get2(is2) { return registry.get(is2); }, whenDefined } }); defineProperty(HTMLBuiltIn.prototype = HTMLElement2.prototype, "constructor", { value: HTMLBuiltIn }); defineProperty(self, "HTMLElement", { configurable: true, value: HTMLBuiltIn }); defineProperty(document$1, "createElement", { configurable: true, value: function value(name, options) { var is2 = options && options.is; var Class = is2 ? registry.get(is2) : registry.get(name); return Class ? new Class() : createElement.call(document$1, name); } }); if (!("isConnected" in Node.prototype)) defineProperty(Node.prototype, "isConnected", { configurable: true, get: function get2() { return !(this.ownerDocument.compareDocumentPosition(this) & this.DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED); } }); } else { try { var LI = function LI2() { return self.Reflect.construct(HTMLLIElement, [], LI2); }; LI.prototype = HTMLLIElement.prototype; var is = "extends-li"; self.customElements.define("extends-li", LI, { "extends": "li" }); legacy = document$1.createElement("li", { is }).outerHTML.indexOf(is) < 0; var _self$customElements = self.customElements, get = _self$customElements.get, _whenDefined = _self$customElements.whenDefined; defineProperty(self.customElements, "whenDefined", { configurable: true, value: function value(is2) { var _this = this; return _whenDefined.call(this, is2).then(function(Class) { return Class || get.call(_this, is2); }); } }); } catch (o_O) { legacy = !legacy; } } if (legacy) { var parseShadow = function parseShadow2(element) { var root = shadowRoots.get(element); _parse(root.querySelectorAll(this), element.isConnected); }; var customElements = self.customElements; var attachShadow = Element2.prototype.attachShadow; var _createElement = document$1.createElement; var define = customElements.define, _get = customElements.get; var _ref = Reflect || { construct: function construct2(HTMLElement3) { return HTMLElement3.call(this); } }, construct = _ref.construct; var shadowRoots = new WeakMap(); var shadows = new Set$1(); var _classes = new Map(); var _defined = new Map(); var _prototypes = new Map(); var _registry = new Map(); var shadowed = []; var _query = []; var getCE = function getCE2(is2) { return _registry.get(is2) || _get.call(customElements, is2); }; var _handle = function _handle2(element, connected, selector) { var proto = _prototypes.get(selector); if (connected && !proto.isPrototypeOf(element)) { var redefine = expando(element); _override = setPrototypeOf(element, proto); try { new proto.constructor(); } finally { _override = null; redefine(); } } var method = "".concat(connected ? "" : "dis", "connectedCallback"); if (method in proto) element[method](); }; var _qsaObserver2 = qsaObserver({ query: _query, handle: _handle }), _parse = _qsaObserver2.parse; var _qsaObserver3 = qsaObserver({ query: shadowed, handle: function handle2(element, connected) { if (shadowRoots.has(element)) { if (connected) shadows.add(element); else shadows["delete"](element); if (_query.length) parseShadow.call(_query, element); } } }), parseShadowed = _qsaObserver3.parse; var _whenDefined2 = function _whenDefined22(name) { if (!_defined.has(name)) { var _, $ = new Promise$1(function($2) { _ = $2; }); _defined.set(name, { $, _ }); } return _defined.get(name).$; }; var _augment = attributesObserver(_whenDefined2, MutationObserver$1); var _override = null; getOwnPropertyNames(self).filter(function(k) { return /^HTML/.test(k); }).forEach(function(k) { var HTMLElement3 = self[k]; function HTMLBuiltIn2() { var constructor = this.constructor; if (!_classes.has(constructor)) throw new TypeError2("Illegal constructor"); var _classes$get = _classes.get(constructor), is2 = _classes$get.is, tag = _classes$get.tag; if (is2) { if (_override) return _augment(_override, is2); var element = _createElement.call(document$1, tag); element.setAttribute("is", is2); return _augment(setPrototypeOf(element, constructor.prototype), is2); } else return construct.call(this, HTMLElement3, [], constructor); } defineProperty(HTMLBuiltIn2.prototype = HTMLElement3.prototype, "constructor", { value: HTMLBuiltIn2 }); defineProperty(self, k, { value: HTMLBuiltIn2 }); }); defineProperty(document$1, "createElement", { configurable: true, value: function value(name, options) { var is2 = options && options.is; if (is2) { var Class = _registry.get(is2); if (Class && _classes.get(Class).tag === name) return new Class(); } var element = _createElement.call(document$1, name); if (is2) element.setAttribute("is", is2); return element; } }); if (attachShadow) Element2.prototype.attachShadow = function(init) { var root = attachShadow.call(this, init); shadowRoots.set(this, root); return root; }; defineProperty(customElements, "get", { configurable: true, value: getCE }); defineProperty(customElements, "whenDefined", { configurable: true, value: _whenDefined2 }); defineProperty(customElements, "define", { configurable: true, value: function value(is2, Class, options) { if (getCE(is2)) throw new Error2("'".concat(is2, "' has already been defined as a custom element")); var selector; var tag = options && options["extends"]; _classes.set(Class, tag ? { is: is2, tag } : { is: "", tag: is2 }); if (tag) { selector = "".concat(tag, '[is="').concat(is2, '"]'); _prototypes.set(selector, Class.prototype); _registry.set(is2, Class); _query.push(selector); } else { define.apply(customElements, arguments); shadowed.push(selector = is2); } _whenDefined2(is2).then(function() { if (tag) { _parse(document$1.querySelectorAll(selector)); shadows.forEach(parseShadow, [selector]); } else parseShadowed(document$1.querySelectorAll(selector)); }); _defined.get(is2)._(Class); } }); } })(); // node_modules/web-animations-js/web-animations.min.js !function() { var a = {}, b = {}; !function(a2, b2) { function c(a3) { if (typeof a3 == "number") return a3; var b3 = {}; for (var c2 in a3) b3[c2] = a3[c2]; return b3; } function d() { this._delay = 0, this._endDelay = 0, this._fill = "none", this._iterationStart = 0, this._iterations = 1, this._duration = 0, this._playbackRate = 1, this._direction = "normal", this._easing = "linear", this._easingFunction = x; } function e() { return a2.isDeprecated("Invalid timing inputs", "2016-03-02", "TypeError exceptions will be thrown instead.", true); } function f(b3, c2, e2) { var f2 = new d(); return c2 && (f2.fill = "both", f2.duration = "auto"), typeof b3 != "number" || isNaN(b3) ? b3 !== void 0 && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b3).forEach(function(c3) { if (b3[c3] != "auto") { if ((typeof f2[c3] == "number" || c3 == "duration") && (typeof b3[c3] != "number" || isNaN(b3[c3]))) return; if (c3 == "fill" && v.indexOf(b3[c3]) == -1) return; if (c3 == "direction" && w.indexOf(b3[c3]) == -1) return; if (c3 == "playbackRate" && b3[c3] !== 1 && a2.isDeprecated("AnimationEffectTiming.playbackRate", "2014-11-28", "Use Animation.playbackRate instead.")) return; f2[c3] = b3[c3]; } }) : f2.duration = b3, f2; } function g(a3) { return typeof a3 == "number" && (a3 = isNaN(a3) ? { duration: 0 } : { duration: a3 }), a3; } function h(b3, c2) { return b3 = a2.numericTimingToObject(b3), f(b3, c2); } function i(a3, b3, c2, d2) { return a3 < 0 || a3 > 1 || c2 < 0 || c2 > 1 ? x : function(e2) { function f2(a4, b4, c3) { return 3 * a4 * (1 - c3) * (1 - c3) * c3 + 3 * b4 * (1 - c3) * c3 * c3 + c3 * c3 * c3; } if (e2 <= 0) { var g2 = 0; return a3 > 0 ? g2 = b3 / a3 : !b3 && c2 > 0 && (g2 = d2 / c2), g2 * e2; } if (e2 >= 1) { var h2 = 0; return c2 < 1 ? h2 = (d2 - 1) / (c2 - 1) : c2 == 1 && a3 < 1 && (h2 = (b3 - 1) / (a3 - 1)), 1 + h2 * (e2 - 1); } for (var i2 = 0, j2 = 1; i2 < j2; ) { var k2 = (i2 + j2) / 2, l2 = f2(a3, c2, k2); if (Math.abs(e2 - l2) < 1e-5) return f2(b3, d2, k2); l2 < e2 ? i2 = k2 : j2 = k2; } return f2(b3, d2, k2); }; } function j(a3, b3) { return function(c2) { if (c2 >= 1) return 1; var d2 = 1 / a3; return (c2 += b3 * d2) - c2 % d2; }; } function k(a3) { C || (C = document.createElement("div").style), C.animationTimingFunction = "", C.animationTimingFunction = a3; var b3 = C.animationTimingFunction; if (b3 == "" && e()) throw new TypeError(a3 + " is not a valid value for easing"); return b3; } function l(a3) { if (a3 == "linear") return x; var b3 = E.exec(a3); if (b3) return i.apply(this, b3.slice(1).map(Number)); var c2 = F.exec(a3); if (c2) return j(Number(c2[1]), A); var d2 = G.exec(a3); return d2 ? j(Number(d2[1]), { start: y, middle: z, end: A }[d2[2]]) : B[a3] || x; } function m(a3) { return Math.abs(n(a3) / a3.playbackRate); } function n(a3) { return a3.duration === 0 || a3.iterations === 0 ? 0 : a3.duration * a3.iterations; } function o(a3, b3, c2) { if (b3 == null) return H; var d2 = c2.delay + a3 + c2.endDelay; return b3 < Math.min(c2.delay, d2) ? I : b3 >= Math.min(c2.delay + a3, d2) ? J : K; } function p(a3, b3, c2, d2, e2) { switch (d2) { case I: return b3 == "backwards" || b3 == "both" ? 0 : null; case K: return c2 - e2; case J: return b3 == "forwards" || b3 == "both" ? a3 : null; case H: return null; } } function q(a3, b3, c2, d2, e2) { var f2 = e2; return a3 === 0 ? b3 !== I && (f2 += c2) : f2 += d2 / a3, f2; } function r(a3, b3, c2, d2, e2, f2) { var g2 = a3 === 1 / 0 ? b3 % 1 : a3 % 1; return g2 !== 0 || c2 !== J || d2 === 0 || e2 === 0 && f2 !== 0 || (g2 = 1), g2; } function s(a3, b3, c2, d2) { return a3 === J && b3 === 1 / 0 ? 1 / 0 : c2 === 1 ? Math.floor(d2) - 1 : Math.floor(d2); } function t(a3, b3, c2) { var d2 = a3; if (a3 !== "normal" && a3 !== "reverse") { var e2 = b3; a3 === "alternate-reverse" && (e2 += 1), d2 = "normal", e2 !== 1 / 0 && e2 % 2 != 0 && (d2 = "reverse"); } return d2 === "normal" ? c2 : 1 - c2; } function u(a3, b3, c2) { var d2 = o(a3, b3, c2), e2 = p(a3, c2.fill, b3, d2, c2.delay); if (e2 === null) return null; var f2 = q(c2.duration, d2, c2.iterations, e2, c2.iterationStart), g2 = r(f2, c2.iterationStart, d2, c2.iterations, e2, c2.duration), h2 = s(d2, c2.iterations, g2, f2), i2 = t(c2.direction, h2, g2); return c2._easingFunction(i2); } var v = "backwards|forwards|both|none".split("|"), w = "reverse|alternate|alternate-reverse".split("|"), x = function(a3) { return a3; }; d.prototype = { _setMember: function(b3, c2) { this["_" + b3] = c2, this._effect && (this._effect._timingInput[b3] = c2, this._effect._timing = a2.normalizeTimingInput(this._effect._timingInput), this._effect.activeDuration = a2.calculateActiveDuration(this._effect._timing), this._effect._animation && this._effect._animation._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation()); }, get playbackRate() { return this._playbackRate; }, set delay(a3) { this._setMember("delay", a3); }, get delay() { return this._delay; }, set endDelay(a3) { this._setMember("endDelay", a3); }, get endDelay() { return this._endDelay; }, set fill(a3) { this._setMember("fill", a3); }, get fill() { return this._fill; }, set iterationStart(a3) { if ((isNaN(a3) || a3 < 0) && e()) throw new TypeError("iterationStart must be a non-negative number, received: " + a3); this._setMember("iterationStart", a3); }, get iterationStart() { return this._iterationStart; }, set duration(a3) { if (a3 != "auto" && (isNaN(a3) || a3 < 0) && e()) throw new TypeError("duration must be non-negative or auto, received: " + a3); this._setMember("duration", a3); }, get duration() { return this._duration; }, set direction(a3) { this._setMember("direction", a3); }, get direction() { return this._direction; }, set easing(a3) { this._easingFunction = l(k(a3)), this._setMember("easing", a3); }, get easing() { return this._easing; }, set iterations(a3) { if ((isNaN(a3) || a3 < 0) && e()) throw new TypeError("iterations must be non-negative, received: " + a3); this._setMember("iterations", a3); }, get iterations() { return this._iterations; } }; var y = 1, z = 0.5, A = 0, B = { ease: i(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1), "ease-in": i(0.42, 0, 1, 1), "ease-out": i(0, 0, 0.58, 1), "ease-in-out": i(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1), "step-start": j(1, y), "step-middle": j(1, z), "step-end": j(1, A) }, C = null, D = "\\s*(-?\\d+\\.?\\d*|-?\\.\\d+)\\s*", E = new RegExp("cubic-bezier\\(" + D + "," + D + "," + D + "," + D + "\\)"), F = /steps\(\s*(\d+)\s*\)/, G = /steps\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(start|middle|end)\s*\)/, H = 0, I = 1, J = 2, K = 3; a2.cloneTimingInput = c, a2.makeTiming = f, a2.numericTimingToObject = g, a2.normalizeTimingInput = h, a2.calculateActiveDuration = m, a2.calculateIterationProgress = u, a2.calculatePhase = o, a2.normalizeEasing = k, a2.parseEasingFunction = l; }(a), function(a2, b2) { function c(a3, b3) { return a3 in k ? k[a3][b3] || b3 : b3; } function d(a3) { return a3 === "display" || a3.lastIndexOf("animation", 0) === 0 || a3.lastIndexOf("transition", 0) === 0; } function e(a3, b3, e2) { if (!d(a3)) { var f2 = h[a3]; if (f2) { i.style[a3] = b3; for (var g2 in f2) { var j2 = f2[g2], k2 = i.style[j2]; e2[j2] = c(j2, k2); } } else e2[a3] = c(a3, b3); } } function f(a3) { var b3 = []; for (var c2 in a3) if (!(c2 in ["easing", "offset", "composite"])) { var d2 = a3[c2]; Array.isArray(d2) || (d2 = [d2]); for (var e2, f2 = d2.length, g2 = 0; g2 < f2; g2++) e2 = {}, e2.offset = "offset" in a3 ? a3.offset : f2 == 1 ? 1 : g2 / (f2 - 1), "easing" in a3 && (e2.easing = a3.easing), "composite" in a3 && (e2.composite = a3.composite), e2[c2] = d2[g2], b3.push(e2); } return b3.sort(function(a4, b4) { return a4.offset - b4.offset; }), b3; } function g(b3) { function c2() { var a3 = d2.length; d2[a3 - 1].offset == null && (d2[a3 - 1].offset = 1), a3 > 1 && d2[0].offset == null && (d2[0].offset = 0); for (var b4 = 0, c3 = d2[0].offset, e2 = 1; e2 < a3; e2++) { var f2 = d2[e2].offset; if (f2 != null) { for (var g3 = 1; g3 < e2 - b4; g3++) d2[b4 + g3].offset = c3 + (f2 - c3) * g3 / (e2 - b4); b4 = e2, c3 = f2; } } } if (b3 == null) return []; window.Symbol && Symbol.iterator && Array.prototype.from && b3[Symbol.iterator] && (b3 = Array.from(b3)), Array.isArray(b3) || (b3 = f(b3)); for (var d2 = b3.map(function(b4) { var c3 = {}; for (var d3 in b4) { var f2 = b4[d3]; if (d3 == "offset") { if (f2 != null) { if (f2 = Number(f2), !isFinite(f2)) throw new TypeError("Keyframe offsets must be numbers."); if (f2 < 0 || f2 > 1) throw new TypeError("Keyframe offsets must be between 0 and 1."); } } else if (d3 == "composite") { if (f2 == "add" || f2 == "accumulate") throw { type: DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, name: "NotSupportedError", message: "add compositing is not supported" }; if (f2 != "replace") throw new TypeError("Invalid composite mode " + f2 + "."); } else f2 = d3 == "easing" ? a2.normalizeEasing(f2) : "" + f2; e(d3, f2, c3); } return c3.offset == void 0 && (c3.offset = null), c3.easing == void 0 && (c3.easing = "linear"), c3; }), g2 = true, h2 = -1 / 0, i2 = 0; i2 < d2.length; i2++) { var j2 = d2[i2].offset; if (j2 != null) { if (j2 < h2) throw new TypeError("Keyframes are not loosely sorted by offset. Sort or specify offsets."); h2 = j2; } else g2 = false; } return d2 = d2.filter(function(a3) { return a3.offset >= 0 && a3.offset <= 1; }), g2 || c2(), d2; } var h = { background: ["backgroundImage", "backgroundPosition", "backgroundSize", "backgroundRepeat", "backgroundAttachment", "backgroundOrigin", "backgroundClip", "backgroundColor"], border: ["borderTopColor", "borderTopStyle", "borderTopWidth", "borderRightColor", "borderRightStyle", "borderRightWidth", "borderBottomColor", "borderBottomStyle", "borderBottomWidth", "borderLeftColor", "borderLeftStyle", "borderLeftWidth"], borderBottom: ["borderBottomWidth", "borderBottomStyle", "borderBottomColor"], borderColor: ["borderTopColor", "borderRightColor", "borderBottomColor", "borderLeftColor"], borderLeft: ["borderLeftWidth", "borderLeftStyle", "borderLeftColor"], borderRadius: ["borderTopLeftRadius", "borderTopRightRadius", "borderBottomRightRadius", "borderBottomLeftRadius"], borderRight: ["borderRightWidth", "borderRightStyle", "borderRightColor"], borderTop: ["borderTopWidth", "borderTopStyle", "borderTopColor"], borderWidth: ["borderTopWidth", "borderRightWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "borderLeftWidth"], flex: ["flexGrow", "flexShrink", "flexBasis"], font: ["fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontStyle", "fontVariant", "fontWeight", "lineHeight"], margin: ["marginTop", "marginRight", "marginBottom", "marginLeft"], outline: ["outlineColor", "outlineStyle", "outlineWidth"], padding: ["paddingTop", "paddingRight", "paddingBottom", "paddingLeft"] }, i = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div"), j = { thin: "1px", medium: "3px", thick: "5px" }, k = { borderBottomWidth: j, borderLeftWidth: j, borderRightWidth: j, borderTopWidth: j, fontSize: { "xx-small": "60%", "x-small": "75%", small: "89%", medium: "100%", large: "120%", "x-large": "150%", "xx-large": "200%" }, fontWeight: { normal: "400", bold: "700" }, outlineWidth: j, textShadow: { none: "0px 0px 0px transparent" }, boxShadow: { none: "0px 0px 0px 0px transparent" } }; a2.convertToArrayForm = f, a2.normalizeKeyframes = g; }(a), function(a2) { var b2 = {}; a2.isDeprecated = function(a3, c, d, e) { var f = e ? "are" : "is", g = new Date(), h = new Date(c); return h.setMonth(h.getMonth() + 3), !(g < h && (a3 in b2 || console.warn("Web Animations: " + a3 + " " + f + " deprecated and will stop working on " + h.toDateString() + ". " + d), b2[a3] = true, 1)); }, a2.deprecated = function(b3, c, d, e) { var f = e ? "are" : "is"; if (a2.isDeprecated(b3, c, d, e)) throw new Error(b3 + " " + f + " no longer supported. " + d); }; }(a), function() { if (document.documentElement.animate) { var c = document.documentElement.animate([], 0), d = true; if (c && (d = false, "play|currentTime|pause|reverse|playbackRate|cancel|finish|startTime|playState".split("|").forEach(function(a2) { c[a2] === void 0 && (d = true); })), !d) return; } !function(a2, b2, c2) { function d2(a3) { for (var b3 = {}, c3 = 0; c3 < a3.length; c3++) for (var d3 in a3[c3]) if (d3 != "offset" && d3 != "easing" && d3 != "composite") { var e2 = { offset: a3[c3].offset, easing: a3[c3].easing, value: a3[c3][d3] }; b3[d3] = b3[d3] || [], b3[d3].push(e2); } for (var f in b3) { var g = b3[f]; if (g[0].offset != 0 || g[g.length - 1].offset != 1) throw { type: DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, name: "NotSupportedError", message: "Partial keyframes are not supported" }; } return b3; } function e(c3) { var d3 = []; for (var e2 in c3) for (var f = c3[e2], g = 0; g < f.length - 1; g++) { var h = g, i = g + 1, j = f[h].offset, k = f[i].offset, l = j, m = k; g == 0 && (l = -1 / 0, k == 0 && (i = h)), g == f.length - 2 && (m = 1 / 0, j == 1 && (h = i)), d3.push({ applyFrom: l, applyTo: m, startOffset: f[h].offset, endOffset: f[i].offset, easingFunction: a2.parseEasingFunction(f[h].easing), property: e2, interpolation: b2.propertyInterpolation(e2, f[h].value, f[i].value) }); } return d3.sort(function(a3, b3) { return a3.startOffset - b3.startOffset; }), d3; } b2.convertEffectInput = function(c3) { var f = a2.normalizeKeyframes(c3), g = d2(f), h = e(g); return function(a3, c4) { if (c4 != null) h.filter(function(a4) { return c4 >= a4.applyFrom && c4 < a4.applyTo; }).forEach(function(d4) { var e2 = c4 - d4.startOffset, f2 = d4.endOffset - d4.startOffset, g2 = f2 == 0 ? 0 : d4.easingFunction(e2 / f2); b2.apply(a3, d4.property, d4.interpolation(g2)); }); else for (var d3 in g) d3 != "offset" && d3 != "easing" && d3 != "composite" && b2.clear(a3, d3); }; }; }(a, b), function(a2, b2, c2) { function d2(a3) { return a3.replace(/-(.)/g, function(a4, b3) { return b3.toUpperCase(); }); } function e(a3, b3, c3) { h[c3] = h[c3] || [], h[c3].push([a3, b3]); } function f(a3, b3, c3) { for (var f2 = 0; f2 < c3.length; f2++) { e(a3, b3, d2(c3[f2])); } } function g(c3, e2, f2) { var g2 = c3; /-/.test(c3) && !a2.isDeprecated("Hyphenated property names", "2016-03-22", "Use camelCase instead.", true) && (g2 = d2(c3)), e2 != "initial" && f2 != "initial" || (e2 == "initial" && (e2 = i[g2]), f2 == "initial" && (f2 = i[g2])); for (var j = e2 == f2 ? [] : h[g2], k = 0; j && k < j.length; k++) { var l = j[k][0](e2), m = j[k][0](f2); if (l !== void 0 && m !== void 0) { var n = j[k][1](l, m); if (n) { var o = b2.Interpolation.apply(null, n); return function(a3) { return a3 == 0 ? e2 : a3 == 1 ? f2 : o(a3); }; } } } return b2.Interpolation(false, true, function(a3) { return a3 ? f2 : e2; }); } var h = {}; b2.addPropertiesHandler = f; var i = { backgroundColor: "transparent", backgroundPosition: "0% 0%", borderBottomColor: "currentColor", borderBottomLeftRadius: "0px", borderBottomRightRadius: "0px", borderBottomWidth: "3px", borderLeftColor: "currentColor", borderLeftWidth: "3px", borderRightColor: "currentColor", borderRightWidth: "3px", borderSpacing: "2px", borderTopColor: "currentColor", borderTopLeftRadius: "0px", borderTopRightRadius: "0px", borderTopWidth: "3px", bottom: "auto", clip: "rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px)", color: "black", fontSize: "100%", fontWeight: "400", height: "auto", left: "auto", letterSpacing: "normal", lineHeight: "120%", marginBottom: "0px", marginLeft: "0px", marginRight: "0px", marginTop: "0px", maxHeight: "none", maxWidth: "none", minHeight: "0px", minWidth: "0px", opacity: "1.0", outlineColor: "invert", outlineOffset: "0px", outlineWidth: "3px", paddingBottom: "0px", paddingLeft: "0px", paddingRight: "0px", paddingTop: "0px", right: "auto", strokeDasharray: "none", strokeDashoffset: "0px", textIndent: "0px", textShadow: "0px 0px 0px transparent", top: "auto", transform: "", verticalAlign: "0px", visibility: "visible", width: "auto", wordSpacing: "normal", zIndex: "auto" }; b2.propertyInterpolation = g; }(a, b), function(a2, b2, c2) { function d2(b3) { var c3 = a2.calculateActiveDuration(b3), d3 = function(d4) { return a2.calculateIterationProgress(c3, d4, b3); }; return d3._totalDuration = b3.delay + c3 + b3.endDelay, d3; } b2.KeyframeEffect = function(c3, e, f, g) { var h, i = d2(a2.normalizeTimingInput(f)), j = b2.convertEffectInput(e), k = function() { j(c3, h); }; return k._update = function(a3) { return (h = i(a3)) !== null; }, k._clear = function() { j(c3, null); }, k._hasSameTarget = function(a3) { return c3 === a3; }, k._target = c3, k._totalDuration = i._totalDuration, k._id = g, k; }; }(a, b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(a3, b3) { return !(!b3.namespaceURI || b3.namespaceURI.indexOf("/svg") == -1) && (g in a3 || (a3[g] = /Trident|MSIE|IEMobile|Edge|Android 4/i.test(a3.navigator.userAgent)), a3[g]); } function d2(a3, b3, c3) { c3.enumerable = true, c3.configurable = true, Object.defineProperty(a3, b3, c3); } function e(a3) { this._element = a3, this._surrogateStyle = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div").style, this._style = a3.style, this._length = 0, this._isAnimatedProperty = {}, this._updateSvgTransformAttr = c2(window, a3), this._savedTransformAttr = null; for (var b3 = 0; b3 < this._style.length; b3++) { var d3 = this._style[b3]; this._surrogateStyle[d3] = this._style[d3]; } this._updateIndices(); } function f(a3) { if (!a3._webAnimationsPatchedStyle) { var b3 = new e(a3); try { d2(a3, "style", { get: function() { return b3; } }); } catch (b4) { a3.style._set = function(b5, c3) { a3.style[b5] = c3; }, a3.style._clear = function(b5) { a3.style[b5] = ""; }; } a3._webAnimationsPatchedStyle = a3.style; } } var g = "_webAnimationsUpdateSvgTransformAttr", h = { cssText: 1, length: 1, parentRule: 1 }, i = { getPropertyCSSValue: 1, getPropertyPriority: 1, getPropertyValue: 1, item: 1, removeProperty: 1, setProperty: 1 }, j = { removeProperty: 1, setProperty: 1 }; e.prototype = { get cssText() { return this._surrogateStyle.cssText; }, set cssText(a3) { for (var b3 = {}, c3 = 0; c3 < this._surrogateStyle.length; c3++) b3[this._surrogateStyle[c3]] = true; this._surrogateStyle.cssText = a3, this._updateIndices(); for (var c3 = 0; c3 < this._surrogateStyle.length; c3++) b3[this._surrogateStyle[c3]] = true; for (var d3 in b3) this._isAnimatedProperty[d3] || this._style.setProperty(d3, this._surrogateStyle.getPropertyValue(d3)); }, get length() { return this._surrogateStyle.length; }, get parentRule() { return this._style.parentRule; }, _updateIndices: function() { for (; this._length < this._surrogateStyle.length; ) Object.defineProperty(this, this._length, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: function(a3) { return function() { return this._surrogateStyle[a3]; }; }(this._length) }), this._length++; for (; this._length > this._surrogateStyle.length; ) this._length--, Object.defineProperty(this, this._length, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: void 0 }); }, _set: function(b3, c3) { this._style[b3] = c3, this._isAnimatedProperty[b3] = true, this._updateSvgTransformAttr && a2.unprefixedPropertyName(b3) == "transform" && (this._savedTransformAttr == null && (this._savedTransformAttr = this._element.getAttribute("transform")), this._element.setAttribute("transform", a2.transformToSvgMatrix(c3))); }, _clear: function(b3) { this._style[b3] = this._surrogateStyle[b3], this._updateSvgTransformAttr && a2.unprefixedPropertyName(b3) == "transform" && (this._savedTransformAttr ? this._element.setAttribute("transform", this._savedTransformAttr) : this._element.removeAttribute("transform"), this._savedTransformAttr = null), delete this._isAnimatedProperty[b3]; } }; for (var k in i) e.prototype[k] = function(a3, b3) { return function() { var c3 = this._surrogateStyle[a3].apply(this._surrogateStyle, arguments); return b3 && (this._isAnimatedProperty[arguments[0]] || this._style[a3].apply(this._style, arguments), this._updateIndices()), c3; }; }(k, k in j); for (var l in document.documentElement.style) l in h || l in i || function(a3) { d2(e.prototype, a3, { get: function() { return this._surrogateStyle[a3]; }, set: function(b3) { this._surrogateStyle[a3] = b3, this._updateIndices(), this._isAnimatedProperty[a3] || (this._style[a3] = b3); } }); }(l); a2.apply = function(b3, c3, d3) { f(b3), b3.style._set(a2.propertyName(c3), d3); }, a2.clear = function(b3, c3) { b3._webAnimationsPatchedStyle && b3.style._clear(a2.propertyName(c3)); }; }(b), function(a2) { window.Element.prototype.animate = function(b2, c2) { var d2 = ""; return c2 && c2.id && (d2 = c2.id), a2.timeline._play(a2.KeyframeEffect(this, b2, c2, d2)); }; }(b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(a3, b3, d2) { if (typeof a3 == "number" && typeof b3 == "number") return a3 * (1 - d2) + b3 * d2; if (typeof a3 == "boolean" && typeof b3 == "boolean") return d2 < 0.5 ? a3 : b3; if (a3.length == b3.length) { for (var e = [], f = 0; f < a3.length; f++) e.push(c2(a3[f], b3[f], d2)); return e; } throw "Mismatched interpolation arguments " + a3 + ":" + b3; } a2.Interpolation = function(a3, b3, d2) { return function(e) { return d2(c2(a3, b3, e)); }; }; }(b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(a3, b3, c3) { return Math.max(Math.min(a3, c3), b3); } function d2(b3, d3, e2) { var f = a2.dot(b3, d3); f = c2(f, -1, 1); var g = []; if (f === 1) g = b3; else for (var h = Math.acos(f), i = 1 * Math.sin(e2 * h) / Math.sqrt(1 - f * f), j = 0; j < 4; j++) g.push(b3[j] * (Math.cos(e2 * h) - f * i) + d3[j] * i); return g; } var e = function() { function a3(a4, b4) { for (var c4 = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], d3 = 0; d3 < 4; d3++) for (var e2 = 0; e2 < 4; e2++) for (var f = 0; f < 4; f++) c4[d3][e2] += b4[d3][f] * a4[f][e2]; return c4; } function b3(a4) { return a4[0][2] == 0 && a4[0][3] == 0 && a4[1][2] == 0 && a4[1][3] == 0 && a4[2][0] == 0 && a4[2][1] == 0 && a4[2][2] == 1 && a4[2][3] == 0 && a4[3][2] == 0 && a4[3][3] == 1; } function c3(c4, d3, e2, f, g) { for (var h = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], i = 0; i < 4; i++) h[i][3] = g[i]; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) h[3][i] += c4[j] * h[j][i]; var k = f[0], l = f[1], m = f[2], n = f[3], o = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]; o[0][0] = 1 - 2 * (l * l + m * m), o[0][1] = 2 * (k * l - m * n), o[0][2] = 2 * (k * m + l * n), o[1][0] = 2 * (k * l + m * n), o[1][1] = 1 - 2 * (k * k + m * m), o[1][2] = 2 * (l * m - k * n), o[2][0] = 2 * (k * m - l * n), o[2][1] = 2 * (l * m + k * n), o[2][2] = 1 - 2 * (k * k + l * l), h = a3(h, o); var p = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]; e2[2] && (p[2][1] = e2[2], h = a3(h, p)), e2[1] && (p[2][1] = 0, p[2][0] = e2[0], h = a3(h, p)), e2[0] && (p[2][0] = 0, p[1][0] = e2[0], h = a3(h, p)); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) h[i][j] *= d3[i]; return b3(h) ? [h[0][0], h[0][1], h[1][0], h[1][1], h[3][0], h[3][1]] : h[0].concat(h[1], h[2], h[3]); } return c3; }(); a2.composeMatrix = e, a2.quat = d2; }(b), function(a2, b2, c2) { a2.sequenceNumber = 0; var d2 = function(a3, b3, c3) { this.target = a3, this.currentTime = b3, this.timelineTime = c3, this.type = "finish", this.bubbles = false, this.cancelable = false, this.currentTarget = a3, this.defaultPrevented = false, this.eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET, this.timeStamp = Date.now(); }; b2.Animation = function(b3) { this.id = "", b3 && b3._id && (this.id = b3._id), this._sequenceNumber = a2.sequenceNumber++, this._currentTime = 0, this._startTime = null, this._paused = false, this._playbackRate = 1, this._inTimeline = true, this._finishedFlag = true, this.onfinish = null, this._finishHandlers = [], this._effect = b3, this._inEffect = this._effect._update(0), this._idle = true, this._currentTimePending = false; }, b2.Animation.prototype = { _ensureAlive: function() { this.playbackRate < 0 && this.currentTime === 0 ? this._inEffect = this._effect._update(-1) : this._inEffect = this._effect._update(this.currentTime), this._inTimeline || !this._inEffect && this._finishedFlag || (this._inTimeline = true, b2.timeline._animations.push(this)); }, _tickCurrentTime: function(a3, b3) { a3 != this._currentTime && (this._currentTime = a3, this._isFinished && !b3 && (this._currentTime = this._playbackRate > 0 ? this._totalDuration : 0), this._ensureAlive()); }, get currentTime() { return this._idle || this._currentTimePending ? null : this._currentTime; }, set currentTime(a3) { a3 = +a3, isNaN(a3) || (b2.restart(), this._paused || this._startTime == null || (this._startTime = this._timeline.currentTime - a3 / this._playbackRate), this._currentTimePending = false, this._currentTime != a3 && (this._idle && (this._idle = false, this._paused = true), this._tickCurrentTime(a3, true), b2.applyDirtiedAnimation(this))); }, get startTime() { return this._startTime; }, set startTime(a3) { a3 = +a3, isNaN(a3) || this._paused || this._idle || (this._startTime = a3, this._tickCurrentTime((this._timeline.currentTime - this._startTime) * this.playbackRate), b2.applyDirtiedAnimation(this)); }, get playbackRate() { return this._playbackRate; }, set playbackRate(a3) { if (a3 != this._playbackRate) { var c3 = this.currentTime; this._playbackRate = a3, this._startTime = null, this.playState != "paused" && this.playState != "idle" && (this._finishedFlag = false, this._idle = false, this._ensureAlive(), b2.applyDirtiedAnimation(this)), c3 != null && (this.currentTime = c3); } }, get _isFinished() { return !this._idle && (this._playbackRate > 0 && this._currentTime >= this._totalDuration || this._playbackRate < 0 && this._currentTime <= 0); }, get _totalDuration() { return this._effect._totalDuration; }, get playState() { return this._idle ? "idle" : this._startTime == null && !this._paused && this.playbackRate != 0 || this._currentTimePending ? "pending" : this._paused ? "paused" : this._isFinished ? "finished" : "running"; }, _rewind: function() { if (this._playbackRate >= 0) this._currentTime = 0; else { if (!(this._totalDuration < 1 / 0)) throw new DOMException("Unable to rewind negative playback rate animation with infinite duration", "InvalidStateError"); this._currentTime = this._totalDuration; } }, play: function() { this._paused = false, (this._isFinished || this._idle) && (this._rewind(), this._startTime = null), this._finishedFlag = false, this._idle = false, this._ensureAlive(), b2.applyDirtiedAnimation(this); }, pause: function() { this._isFinished || this._paused || this._idle ? this._idle && (this._rewind(), this._idle = false) : this._currentTimePending = true, this._startTime = null, this._paused = true; }, finish: function() { this._idle || (this.currentTime = this._playbackRate > 0 ? this._totalDuration : 0, this._startTime = this._totalDuration - this.currentTime, this._currentTimePending = false, b2.applyDirtiedAnimation(this)); }, cancel: function() { this._inEffect && (this._inEffect = false, this._idle = true, this._paused = false, this._finishedFlag = true, this._currentTime = 0, this._startTime = null, this._effect._update(null), b2.applyDirtiedAnimation(this)); }, reverse: function() { this.playbackRate *= -1, this.play(); }, addEventListener: function(a3, b3) { typeof b3 == "function" && a3 == "finish" && this._finishHandlers.push(b3); }, removeEventListener: function(a3, b3) { if (a3 == "finish") { var c3 = this._finishHandlers.indexOf(b3); c3 >= 0 && this._finishHandlers.splice(c3, 1); } }, _fireEvents: function(a3) { if (this._isFinished) { if (!this._finishedFlag) { var b3 = new d2(this, this._currentTime, a3), c3 = this._finishHandlers.concat(this.onfinish ? [this.onfinish] : []); setTimeout(function() { c3.forEach(function(a4) { a4.call(b3.target, b3); }); }, 0), this._finishedFlag = true; } } else this._finishedFlag = false; }, _tick: function(a3, b3) { this._idle || this._paused || (this._startTime == null ? b3 && (this.startTime = a3 - this._currentTime / this.playbackRate) : this._isFinished || this._tickCurrentTime((a3 - this._startTime) * this.playbackRate)), b3 && (this._currentTimePending = false, this._fireEvents(a3)); }, get _needsTick() { return this.playState in { pending: 1, running: 1 } || !this._finishedFlag; }, _targetAnimations: function() { var a3 = this._effect._target; return a3._activeAnimations || (a3._activeAnimations = []), a3._activeAnimations; }, _markTarget: function() { var a3 = this._targetAnimations(); a3.indexOf(this) === -1 && a3.push(this); }, _unmarkTarget: function() { var a3 = this._targetAnimations(), b3 = a3.indexOf(this); b3 !== -1 && a3.splice(b3, 1); } }; }(a, b), function(a2, b2, c2) { function d2(a3) { var b3 = j; j = [], a3 < q.currentTime && (a3 = q.currentTime), q._animations.sort(e), q._animations = h(a3, true, q._animations)[0], b3.forEach(function(b4) { b4[1](a3); }), g(), l = void 0; } function e(a3, b3) { return a3._sequenceNumber - b3._sequenceNumber; } function f() { this._animations = [], this.currentTime = window.performance && performance.now ? performance.now() : 0; } function g() { o.forEach(function(a3) { a3(); }), o.length = 0; } function h(a3, c3, d3) { p = true, n = false, b2.timeline.currentTime = a3, m = false; var e2 = [], f2 = [], g2 = [], h2 = []; return d3.forEach(function(b3) { b3._tick(a3, c3), b3._inEffect ? (f2.push(b3._effect), b3._markTarget()) : (e2.push(b3._effect), b3._unmarkTarget()), b3._needsTick && (m = true); var d4 = b3._inEffect || b3._needsTick; b3._inTimeline = d4, d4 ? g2.push(b3) : h2.push(b3); }), o.push.apply(o, e2), o.push.apply(o, f2), m && requestAnimationFrame(function() { }), p = false, [g2, h2]; } var i = window.requestAnimationFrame, j = [], k = 0; window.requestAnimationFrame = function(a3) { var b3 = k++; return j.length == 0 && i(d2), j.push([b3, a3]), b3; }, window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(a3) { j.forEach(function(b3) { b3[0] == a3 && (b3[1] = function() { }); }); }, f.prototype = { _play: function(c3) { c3._timing = a2.normalizeTimingInput(c3.timing); var d3 = new b2.Animation(c3); return d3._idle = false, d3._timeline = this, this._animations.push(d3), b2.restart(), b2.applyDirtiedAnimation(d3), d3; } }; var l = void 0, m = false, n = false; b2.restart = function() { return m || (m = true, requestAnimationFrame(function() { }), n = true), n; }, b2.applyDirtiedAnimation = function(a3) { if (!p) { a3._markTarget(); var c3 = a3._targetAnimations(); c3.sort(e), h(b2.timeline.currentTime, false, c3.slice())[1].forEach(function(a4) { var b3 = q._animations.indexOf(a4); b3 !== -1 && q._animations.splice(b3, 1); }), g(); } }; var o = [], p = false, q = new f(); b2.timeline = q; }(a, b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(a3, b3) { for (var c3 = 0, d3 = 0; d3 < a3.length; d3++) c3 += a3[d3] * b3[d3]; return c3; } function d2(a3, b3) { return [a3[0] * b3[0] + a3[4] * b3[1] + a3[8] * b3[2] + a3[12] * b3[3], a3[1] * b3[0] + a3[5] * b3[1] + a3[9] * b3[2] + a3[13] * b3[3], a3[2] * b3[0] + a3[6] * b3[1] + a3[10] * b3[2] + a3[14] * b3[3], a3[3] * b3[0] + a3[7] * b3[1] + a3[11] * b3[2] + a3[15] * b3[3], a3[0] * b3[4] + a3[4] * b3[5] + a3[8] * b3[6] + a3[12] * b3[7], a3[1] * b3[4] + a3[5] * b3[5] + a3[9] * b3[6] + a3[13] * b3[7], a3[2] * b3[4] + a3[6] * b3[5] + a3[10] * b3[6] + a3[14] * b3[7], a3[3] * b3[4] + a3[7] * b3[5] + a3[11] * b3[6] + a3[15] * b3[7], a3[0] * b3[8] + a3[4] * b3[9] + a3[8] * b3[10] + a3[12] * b3[11], a3[1] * b3[8] + a3[5] * b3[9] + a3[9] * b3[10] + a3[13] * b3[11], a3[2] * b3[8] + a3[6] * b3[9] + a3[10] * b3[10] + a3[14] * b3[11], a3[3] * b3[8] + a3[7] * b3[9] + a3[11] * b3[10] + a3[15] * b3[11], a3[0] * b3[12] + a3[4] * b3[13] + a3[8] * b3[14] + a3[12] * b3[15], a3[1] * b3[12] + a3[5] * b3[13] + a3[9] * b3[14] + a3[13] * b3[15], a3[2] * b3[12] + a3[6] * b3[13] + a3[10] * b3[14] + a3[14] * b3[15], a3[3] * b3[12] + a3[7] * b3[13] + a3[11] * b3[14] + a3[15] * b3[15]]; } function e(a3) { var b3 = a3.rad || 0; return ((a3.deg || 0) / 360 + (a3.grad || 0) / 400 + (a3.turn || 0)) * (2 * Math.PI) + b3; } function f(a3) { switch (a3.t) { case "rotatex": var b3 = e(a3.d[0]); return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, Math.cos(b3), Math.sin(b3), 0, 0, -Math.sin(b3), Math.cos(b3), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "rotatey": var b3 = e(a3.d[0]); return [Math.cos(b3), 0, -Math.sin(b3), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, Math.sin(b3), 0, Math.cos(b3), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "rotate": case "rotatez": var b3 = e(a3.d[0]); return [Math.cos(b3), Math.sin(b3), 0, 0, -Math.sin(b3), Math.cos(b3), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "rotate3d": var c3 = a3.d[0], d3 = a3.d[1], f2 = a3.d[2], b3 = e(a3.d[3]), g2 = c3 * c3 + d3 * d3 + f2 * f2; if (g2 === 0) c3 = 1, d3 = 0, f2 = 0; else if (g2 !== 1) { var h2 = Math.sqrt(g2); c3 /= h2, d3 /= h2, f2 /= h2; } var i2 = Math.sin(b3 / 2), j = i2 * Math.cos(b3 / 2), k = i2 * i2; return [1 - 2 * (d3 * d3 + f2 * f2) * k, 2 * (c3 * d3 * k + f2 * j), 2 * (c3 * f2 * k - d3 * j), 0, 2 * (c3 * d3 * k - f2 * j), 1 - 2 * (c3 * c3 + f2 * f2) * k, 2 * (d3 * f2 * k + c3 * j), 0, 2 * (c3 * f2 * k + d3 * j), 2 * (d3 * f2 * k - c3 * j), 1 - 2 * (c3 * c3 + d3 * d3) * k, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "scale": return [a3.d[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, a3.d[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "scalex": return [a3.d[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "scaley": return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, a3.d[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "scalez": return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, a3.d[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "scale3d": return [a3.d[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, a3.d[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, a3.d[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "skew": var l = e(a3.d[0]), m = e(a3.d[1]); return [1, Math.tan(m), 0, 0, Math.tan(l), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "skewx": var b3 = e(a3.d[0]); return [1, 0, 0, 0, Math.tan(b3), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "skewy": var b3 = e(a3.d[0]); return [1, Math.tan(b3), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "translate": var c3 = a3.d[0].px || 0, d3 = a3.d[1].px || 0; return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, c3, d3, 0, 1]; case "translatex": var c3 = a3.d[0].px || 0; return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, c3, 0, 0, 1]; case "translatey": var d3 = a3.d[0].px || 0; return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, d3, 0, 1]; case "translatez": var f2 = a3.d[0].px || 0; return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, f2, 1]; case "translate3d": var c3 = a3.d[0].px || 0, d3 = a3.d[1].px || 0, f2 = a3.d[2].px || 0; return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, c3, d3, f2, 1]; case "perspective": return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, a3.d[0].px ? -1 / a3.d[0].px : 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; case "matrix": return [a3.d[0], a3.d[1], 0, 0, a3.d[2], a3.d[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, a3.d[4], a3.d[5], 0, 1]; case "matrix3d": return a3.d; } } function g(a3) { return a3.length === 0 ? [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] : a3.map(f).reduce(d2); } function h(a3) { return [i(g(a3))]; } var i = function() { function a3(a4) { return a4[0][0] * a4[1][1] * a4[2][2] + a4[1][0] * a4[2][1] * a4[0][2] + a4[2][0] * a4[0][1] * a4[1][2] - a4[0][2] * a4[1][1] * a4[2][0] - a4[1][2] * a4[2][1] * a4[0][0] - a4[2][2] * a4[0][1] * a4[1][0]; } function b3(b4) { for (var c3 = 1 / a3(b4), d4 = b4[0][0], e3 = b4[0][1], f3 = b4[0][2], g3 = b4[1][0], h3 = b4[1][1], i3 = b4[1][2], j2 = b4[2][0], k = b4[2][1], l = b4[2][2], m = [[(h3 * l - i3 * k) * c3, (f3 * k - e3 * l) * c3, (e3 * i3 - f3 * h3) * c3, 0], [(i3 * j2 - g3 * l) * c3, (d4 * l - f3 * j2) * c3, (f3 * g3 - d4 * i3) * c3, 0], [(g3 * k - h3 * j2) * c3, (j2 * e3 - d4 * k) * c3, (d4 * h3 - e3 * g3) * c3, 0]], n = [], o = 0; o < 3; o++) { for (var p = 0, q = 0; q < 3; q++) p += b4[3][q] * m[q][o]; n.push(p); } return n.push(1), m.push(n), m; } function d3(a4) { return [[a4[0][0], a4[1][0], a4[2][0], a4[3][0]], [a4[0][1], a4[1][1], a4[2][1], a4[3][1]], [a4[0][2], a4[1][2], a4[2][2], a4[3][2]], [a4[0][3], a4[1][3], a4[2][3], a4[3][3]]]; } function e2(a4, b4) { for (var c3 = [], d4 = 0; d4 < 4; d4++) { for (var e3 = 0, f3 = 0; f3 < 4; f3++) e3 += a4[f3] * b4[f3][d4]; c3.push(e3); } return c3; } function f2(a4) { var b4 = g2(a4); return [a4[0] / b4, a4[1] / b4, a4[2] / b4]; } function g2(a4) { return Math.sqrt(a4[0] * a4[0] + a4[1] * a4[1] + a4[2] * a4[2]); } function h2(a4, b4, c3, d4) { return [c3 * a4[0] + d4 * b4[0], c3 * a4[1] + d4 * b4[1], c3 * a4[2] + d4 * b4[2]]; } function i2(a4, b4) { return [a4[1] * b4[2] - a4[2] * b4[1], a4[2] * b4[0] - a4[0] * b4[2], a4[0] * b4[1] - a4[1] * b4[0]]; } function j(j2) { var k = [j2.slice(0, 4), j2.slice(4, 8), j2.slice(8, 12), j2.slice(12, 16)]; if (k[3][3] !== 1) return null; for (var l = [], m = 0; m < 4; m++) l.push(k[m].slice()); for (var m = 0; m < 3; m++) l[m][3] = 0; if (a3(l) === 0) return null; var n, o = []; k[0][3] || k[1][3] || k[2][3] ? (o.push(k[0][3]), o.push(k[1][3]), o.push(k[2][3]), o.push(k[3][3]), n = e2(o, d3(b3(l)))) : n = [0, 0, 0, 1]; var p = k[3].slice(0, 3), q = []; q.push(k[0].slice(0, 3)); var r = []; r.push(g2(q[0])), q[0] = f2(q[0]); var s = []; q.push(k[1].slice(0, 3)), s.push(c2(q[0], q[1])), q[1] = h2(q[1], q[0], 1, -s[0]), r.push(g2(q[1])), q[1] = f2(q[1]), s[0] /= r[1], q.push(k[2].slice(0, 3)), s.push(c2(q[0], q[2])), q[2] = h2(q[2], q[0], 1, -s[1]), s.push(c2(q[1], q[2])), q[2] = h2(q[2], q[1], 1, -s[2]), r.push(g2(q[2])), q[2] = f2(q[2]), s[1] /= r[2], s[2] /= r[2]; var t = i2(q[1], q[2]); if (c2(q[0], t) < 0) for (var m = 0; m < 3; m++) r[m] *= -1, q[m][0] *= -1, q[m][1] *= -1, q[m][2] *= -1; var u, v, w = q[0][0] + q[1][1] + q[2][2] + 1; return w > 1e-4 ? (u = 0.5 / Math.sqrt(w), v = [(q[2][1] - q[1][2]) * u, (q[0][2] - q[2][0]) * u, (q[1][0] - q[0][1]) * u, 0.25 / u]) : q[0][0] > q[1][1] && q[0][0] > q[2][2] ? (u = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + q[0][0] - q[1][1] - q[2][2]), v = [0.25 * u, (q[0][1] + q[1][0]) / u, (q[0][2] + q[2][0]) / u, (q[2][1] - q[1][2]) / u]) : q[1][1] > q[2][2] ? (u = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + q[1][1] - q[0][0] - q[2][2]), v = [(q[0][1] + q[1][0]) / u, 0.25 * u, (q[1][2] + q[2][1]) / u, (q[0][2] - q[2][0]) / u]) : (u = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + q[2][2] - q[0][0] - q[1][1]), v = [(q[0][2] + q[2][0]) / u, (q[1][2] + q[2][1]) / u, 0.25 * u, (q[1][0] - q[0][1]) / u]), [p, r, s, v, n]; } return j; }(); a2.dot = c2, a2.makeMatrixDecomposition = h, a2.transformListToMatrix = g; }(b), function(a2) { function b2(a3, b3) { var c3 = a3.exec(b3); if (c3) return c3 = a3.ignoreCase ? c3[0].toLowerCase() : c3[0], [c3, b3.substr(c3.length)]; } function c2(a3, b3) { b3 = b3.replace(/^\s*/, ""); var c3 = a3(b3); if (c3) return [c3[0], c3[1].replace(/^\s*/, "")]; } function d2(a3, d3, e2) { a3 = c2.bind(null, a3); for (var f2 = []; ; ) { var g2 = a3(e2); if (!g2) return [f2, e2]; if (f2.push(g2[0]), e2 = g2[1], !(g2 = b2(d3, e2)) || g2[1] == "") return [f2, e2]; e2 = g2[1]; } } function e(a3, b3) { for (var c3 = 0, d3 = 0; d3 < b3.length && (!/\s|,/.test(b3[d3]) || c3 != 0); d3++) if (b3[d3] == "(") c3++; else if (b3[d3] == ")" && (c3--, c3 == 0 && d3++, c3 <= 0)) break; var e2 = a3(b3.substr(0, d3)); return e2 == void 0 ? void 0 : [e2, b3.substr(d3)]; } function f(a3, b3) { for (var c3 = a3, d3 = b3; c3 && d3; ) c3 > d3 ? c3 %= d3 : d3 %= c3; return c3 = a3 * b3 / (c3 + d3); } function g(a3) { return function(b3) { var c3 = a3(b3); return c3 && (c3[0] = void 0), c3; }; } function h(a3, b3) { return function(c3) { return a3(c3) || [b3, c3]; }; } function i(b3, c3) { for (var d3 = [], e2 = 0; e2 < b3.length; e2++) { var f2 = a2.consumeTrimmed(b3[e2], c3); if (!f2 || f2[0] == "") return; f2[0] !== void 0 && d3.push(f2[0]), c3 = f2[1]; } if (c3 == "") return d3; } function j(a3, b3, c3, d3, e2) { for (var g2 = [], h2 = [], i2 = [], j2 = f(d3.length, e2.length), k2 = 0; k2 < j2; k2++) { var l = b3(d3[k2 % d3.length], e2[k2 % e2.length]); if (!l) return; g2.push(l[0]), h2.push(l[1]), i2.push(l[2]); } return [g2, h2, function(b4) { var d4 = b4.map(function(a4, b5) { return i2[b5](a4); }).join(c3); return a3 ? a3(d4) : d4; }]; } function k(a3, b3, c3) { for (var d3 = [], e2 = [], f2 = [], g2 = 0, h2 = 0; h2 < c3.length; h2++) if (typeof c3[h2] == "function") { var i2 = c3[h2](a3[g2], b3[g2++]); d3.push(i2[0]), e2.push(i2[1]), f2.push(i2[2]); } else !function(a4) { d3.push(false), e2.push(false), f2.push(function() { return c3[a4]; }); }(h2); return [d3, e2, function(a4) { for (var b4 = "", c4 = 0; c4 < a4.length; c4++) b4 += f2[c4](a4[c4]); return b4; }]; } a2.consumeToken = b2, a2.consumeTrimmed = c2, a2.consumeRepeated = d2, a2.consumeParenthesised = e, a2.ignore = g, a2.optional = h, a2.consumeList = i, a2.mergeNestedRepeated = j.bind(null, null), a2.mergeWrappedNestedRepeated = j, a2.mergeList = k; }(b), function(a2) { function b2(b3) { function c3(b4) { var c4 = a2.consumeToken(/^inset/i, b4); return c4 ? (d3.inset = true, c4) : (c4 = a2.consumeLengthOrPercent(b4)) ? (d3.lengths.push(c4[0]), c4) : (c4 = a2.consumeColor(b4), c4 ? (d3.color = c4[0], c4) : void 0); } var d3 = { inset: false, lengths: [], color: null }, e2 = a2.consumeRepeated(c3, /^/, b3); if (e2 && e2[0].length) return [d3, e2[1]]; } function c2(c3) { var d3 = a2.consumeRepeated(b2, /^,/, c3); if (d3 && d3[1] == "") return d3[0]; } function d2(b3, c3) { for (; b3.lengths.length < Math.max(b3.lengths.length, c3.lengths.length); ) b3.lengths.push({ px: 0 }); for (; c3.lengths.length < Math.max(b3.lengths.length, c3.lengths.length); ) c3.lengths.push({ px: 0 }); if (b3.inset == c3.inset && !!b3.color == !!c3.color) { for (var d3, e2 = [], f2 = [[], 0], g = [[], 0], h = 0; h < b3.lengths.length; h++) { var i = a2.mergeDimensions(b3.lengths[h], c3.lengths[h], h == 2); f2[0].push(i[0]), g[0].push(i[1]), e2.push(i[2]); } if (b3.color && c3.color) { var j = a2.mergeColors(b3.color, c3.color); f2[1] = j[0], g[1] = j[1], d3 = j[2]; } return [f2, g, function(a3) { for (var c4 = b3.inset ? "inset " : " ", f3 = 0; f3 < e2.length; f3++) c4 += e2[f3](a3[0][f3]) + " "; return d3 && (c4 += d3(a3[1])), c4; }]; } } function e(b3, c3, d3, e2) { function f2(a3) { return { inset: a3, color: [0, 0, 0, 0], lengths: [{ px: 0 }, { px: 0 }, { px: 0 }, { px: 0 }] }; } for (var g = [], h = [], i = 0; i < d3.length || i < e2.length; i++) { var j = d3[i] || f2(e2[i].inset), k = e2[i] || f2(d3[i].inset); g.push(j), h.push(k); } return a2.mergeNestedRepeated(b3, c3, g, h); } var f = e.bind(null, d2, ", "); a2.addPropertiesHandler(c2, f, ["box-shadow", "text-shadow"]); }(b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(a3) { return a3.toFixed(3).replace(/0+$/, "").replace(/\.$/, ""); } function d2(a3, b3, c3) { return Math.min(b3, Math.max(a3, c3)); } function e(a3) { if (/^\s*[-+]?(\d*\.)?\d+\s*$/.test(a3)) return Number(a3); } function f(a3, b3) { return [a3, b3, c2]; } function g(a3, b3) { if (a3 != 0) return i(0, 1 / 0)(a3, b3); } function h(a3, b3) { return [a3, b3, function(a4) { return Math.round(d2(1, 1 / 0, a4)); }]; } function i(a3, b3) { return function(e2, f2) { return [e2, f2, function(e3) { return c2(d2(a3, b3, e3)); }]; }; } function j(a3) { var b3 = a3.trim().split(/\s*[\s,]\s*/); if (b3.length !== 0) { for (var c3 = [], d3 = 0; d3 < b3.length; d3++) { var f2 = e(b3[d3]); if (f2 === void 0) return; c3.push(f2); } return c3; } } function k(a3, b3) { if (a3.length == b3.length) return [a3, b3, function(a4) { return a4.map(c2).join(" "); }]; } function l(a3, b3) { return [a3, b3, Math.round]; } a2.clamp = d2, a2.addPropertiesHandler(j, k, ["stroke-dasharray"]), a2.addPropertiesHandler(e, i(0, 1 / 0), ["border-image-width", "line-height"]), a2.addPropertiesHandler(e, i(0, 1), ["opacity", "shape-image-threshold"]), a2.addPropertiesHandler(e, g, ["flex-grow", "flex-shrink"]), a2.addPropertiesHandler(e, h, ["orphans", "widows"]), a2.addPropertiesHandler(e, l, ["z-index"]), a2.parseNumber = e, a2.parseNumberList = j, a2.mergeNumbers = f, a2.numberToString = c2; }(b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(a3, b3) { if (a3 == "visible" || b3 == "visible") return [0, 1, function(c3) { return c3 <= 0 ? a3 : c3 >= 1 ? b3 : "visible"; }]; } a2.addPropertiesHandler(String, c2, ["visibility"]); }(b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(a3) { a3 = a3.trim(), f.fillStyle = "#000", f.fillStyle = a3; var b3 = f.fillStyle; if (f.fillStyle = "#fff", f.fillStyle = a3, b3 == f.fillStyle) { f.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1); var c3 = f.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data; f.clearRect(0, 0, 1, 1); var d3 = c3[3] / 255; return [c3[0] * d3, c3[1] * d3, c3[2] * d3, d3]; } } function d2(b3, c3) { return [b3, c3, function(b4) { function c4(a3) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(255, a3)); } if (b4[3]) for (var d3 = 0; d3 < 3; d3++) b4[d3] = Math.round(c4(b4[d3] / b4[3])); return b4[3] = a2.numberToString(a2.clamp(0, 1, b4[3])), "rgba(" + b4.join(",") + ")"; }]; } var e = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "canvas"); e.width = e.height = 1; var f = e.getContext("2d"); a2.addPropertiesHandler(c2, d2, ["background-color", "border-bottom-color", "border-left-color", "border-right-color", "border-top-color", "color", "fill", "flood-color", "lighting-color", "outline-color", "stop-color", "stroke", "text-decoration-color"]), a2.consumeColor = a2.consumeParenthesised.bind(null, c2), a2.mergeColors = d2; }(b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(a3) { function b3() { var b4 = h2.exec(a3); g2 = b4 ? b4[0] : void 0; } function c3() { var a4 = Number(g2); return b3(), a4; } function d3() { if (g2 !== "(") return c3(); b3(); var a4 = f2(); return g2 !== ")" ? NaN : (b3(), a4); } function e2() { for (var a4 = d3(); g2 === "*" || g2 === "/"; ) { var c4 = g2; b3(); var e3 = d3(); c4 === "*" ? a4 *= e3 : a4 /= e3; } return a4; } function f2() { for (var a4 = e2(); g2 === "+" || g2 === "-"; ) { var c4 = g2; b3(); var d4 = e2(); c4 === "+" ? a4 += d4 : a4 -= d4; } return a4; } var g2, h2 = /([\+\-\w\.]+|[\(\)\*\/])/g; return b3(), f2(); } function d2(a3, b3) { if ((b3 = b3.trim().toLowerCase()) == "0" && "px".search(a3) >= 0) return { px: 0 }; if (/^[^(]*$|^calc/.test(b3)) { b3 = b3.replace(/calc\(/g, "("); var d3 = {}; b3 = b3.replace(a3, function(a4) { return d3[a4] = null, "U" + a4; }); for (var e2 = "U(" + a3.source + ")", f2 = b3.replace(/[-+]?(\d*\.)?\d+([Ee][-+]?\d+)?/g, "N").replace(new RegExp("N" + e2, "g"), "D").replace(/\s[+-]\s/g, "O").replace(/\s/g, ""), g2 = [/N\*(D)/g, /(N|D)[*\/]N/g, /(N|D)O\1/g, /\((N|D)\)/g], h2 = 0; h2 < g2.length; ) g2[h2].test(f2) ? (f2 = f2.replace(g2[h2], "$1"), h2 = 0) : h2++; if (f2 == "D") { for (var i2 in d3) { var j2 = c2(b3.replace(new RegExp("U" + i2, "g"), "").replace(new RegExp(e2, "g"), "*0")); if (!isFinite(j2)) return; d3[i2] = j2; } return d3; } } } function e(a3, b3) { return f(a3, b3, true); } function f(b3, c3, d3) { var e2, f2 = []; for (e2 in b3) f2.push(e2); for (e2 in c3) f2.indexOf(e2) < 0 && f2.push(e2); return b3 = f2.map(function(a3) { return b3[a3] || 0; }), c3 = f2.map(function(a3) { return c3[a3] || 0; }), [b3, c3, function(b4) { var c4 = b4.map(function(c5, e3) { return b4.length == 1 && d3 && (c5 = Math.max(c5, 0)), a2.numberToString(c5) + f2[e3]; }).join(" + "); return b4.length > 1 ? "calc(" + c4 + ")" : c4; }]; } var g = "px|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc", h = d2.bind(null, new RegExp(g, "g")), i = d2.bind(null, new RegExp(g + "|%", "g")), j = d2.bind(null, /deg|rad|grad|turn/g); a2.parseLength = h, a2.parseLengthOrPercent = i, a2.consumeLengthOrPercent = a2.consumeParenthesised.bind(null, i), a2.parseAngle = j, a2.mergeDimensions = f; var k = a2.consumeParenthesised.bind(null, h), l = a2.consumeRepeated.bind(void 0, k, /^/), m = a2.consumeRepeated.bind(void 0, l, /^,/); a2.consumeSizePairList = m; var n = function(a3) { var b3 = m(a3); if (b3 && b3[1] == "") return b3[0]; }, o = a2.mergeNestedRepeated.bind(void 0, e, " "), p = a2.mergeNestedRepeated.bind(void 0, o, ","); a2.mergeNonNegativeSizePair = o, a2.addPropertiesHandler(n, p, ["background-size"]), a2.addPropertiesHandler(i, e, ["border-bottom-width", "border-image-width", "border-left-width", "border-right-width", "border-top-width", "flex-basis", "font-size", "height", "line-height", "max-height", "max-width", "outline-width", "width"]), a2.addPropertiesHandler(i, f, ["border-bottom-left-radius", "border-bottom-right-radius", "border-top-left-radius", "border-top-right-radius", "bottom", "left", "letter-spacing", "margin-bottom", "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-top", "min-height", "min-width", "outline-offset", "padding-bottom", "padding-left", "padding-right", "padding-top", "perspective", "right", "shape-margin", "stroke-dashoffset", "text-indent", "top", "vertical-align", "word-spacing"]); }(b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(b3) { return a2.consumeLengthOrPercent(b3) || a2.consumeToken(/^auto/, b3); } function d2(b3) { var d3 = a2.consumeList([a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(null, /^rect/)), a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(null, /^\(/)), a2.consumeRepeated.bind(null, c2, /^,/), a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(null, /^\)/))], b3); if (d3 && d3[0].length == 4) return d3[0]; } function e(b3, c3) { return b3 == "auto" || c3 == "auto" ? [true, false, function(d3) { var e2 = d3 ? b3 : c3; if (e2 == "auto") return "auto"; var f2 = a2.mergeDimensions(e2, e2); return f2[2](f2[0]); }] : a2.mergeDimensions(b3, c3); } function f(a3) { return "rect(" + a3 + ")"; } var g = a2.mergeWrappedNestedRepeated.bind(null, f, e, ", "); a2.parseBox = d2, a2.mergeBoxes = g, a2.addPropertiesHandler(d2, g, ["clip"]); }(b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(a3) { return function(b3) { var c3 = 0; return a3.map(function(a4) { return a4 === k ? b3[c3++] : a4; }); }; } function d2(a3) { return a3; } function e(b3) { if ((b3 = b3.toLowerCase().trim()) == "none") return []; for (var c3, d3 = /\s*(\w+)\(([^)]*)\)/g, e2 = [], f2 = 0; c3 = d3.exec(b3); ) { if (c3.index != f2) return; f2 = c3.index + c3[0].length; var g2 = c3[1], h2 = n[g2]; if (!h2) return; var i2 = c3[2].split(","), j2 = h2[0]; if (j2.length < i2.length) return; for (var k2 = [], o = 0; o < j2.length; o++) { var p, q = i2[o], r = j2[o]; if ((p = q ? { A: function(b4) { return b4.trim() == "0" ? m : a2.parseAngle(b4); }, N: a2.parseNumber, T: a2.parseLengthOrPercent, L: a2.parseLength }[r.toUpperCase()](q) : { a: m, n: k2[0], t: l }[r]) === void 0) return; k2.push(p); } if (e2.push({ t: g2, d: k2 }), d3.lastIndex == b3.length) return e2; } } function f(a3) { return a3.toFixed(6).replace(".000000", ""); } function g(b3, c3) { if (b3.decompositionPair !== c3) { b3.decompositionPair = c3; var d3 = a2.makeMatrixDecomposition(b3); } if (c3.decompositionPair !== b3) { c3.decompositionPair = b3; var e2 = a2.makeMatrixDecomposition(c3); } return d3[0] == null || e2[0] == null ? [[false], [true], function(a3) { return a3 ? c3[0].d : b3[0].d; }] : (d3[0].push(0), e2[0].push(1), [d3, e2, function(b4) { var c4 = a2.quat(d3[0][3], e2[0][3], b4[5]); return a2.composeMatrix(b4[0], b4[1], b4[2], c4, b4[4]).map(f).join(","); }]); } function h(a3) { return a3.replace(/[xy]/, ""); } function i(a3) { return a3.replace(/(x|y|z|3d)?$/, "3d"); } function j(b3, c3) { var d3 = a2.makeMatrixDecomposition && true, e2 = false; if (!b3.length || !c3.length) { b3.length || (e2 = true, b3 = c3, c3 = []); for (var f2 = 0; f2 < b3.length; f2++) { var j2 = b3[f2].t, k2 = b3[f2].d, l2 = j2.substr(0, 5) == "scale" ? 1 : 0; c3.push({ t: j2, d: k2.map(function(a3) { if (typeof a3 == "number") return l2; var b4 = {}; for (var c4 in a3) b4[c4] = l2; return b4; }) }); } } var m2 = function(a3, b4) { return a3 == "perspective" && b4 == "perspective" || (a3 == "matrix" || a3 == "matrix3d") && (b4 == "matrix" || b4 == "matrix3d"); }, o = [], p = [], q = []; if (b3.length != c3.length) { if (!d3) return; var r = g(b3, c3); o = [r[0]], p = [r[1]], q = [["matrix", [r[2]]]]; } else for (var f2 = 0; f2 < b3.length; f2++) { var j2, s = b3[f2].t, t = c3[f2].t, u = b3[f2].d, v = c3[f2].d, w = n[s], x = n[t]; if (m2(s, t)) { if (!d3) return; var r = g([b3[f2]], [c3[f2]]); o.push(r[0]), p.push(r[1]), q.push(["matrix", [r[2]]]); } else { if (s == t) j2 = s; else if (w[2] && x[2] && h(s) == h(t)) j2 = h(s), u = w[2](u), v = x[2](v); else { if (!w[1] || !x[1] || i(s) != i(t)) { if (!d3) return; var r = g(b3, c3); o = [r[0]], p = [r[1]], q = [["matrix", [r[2]]]]; break; } j2 = i(s), u = w[1](u), v = x[1](v); } for (var y = [], z = [], A = [], B = 0; B < u.length; B++) { var C = typeof u[B] == "number" ? a2.mergeNumbers : a2.mergeDimensions, r = C(u[B], v[B]); y[B] = r[0], z[B] = r[1], A.push(r[2]); } o.push(y), p.push(z), q.push([j2, A]); } } if (e2) { var D = o; o = p, p = D; } return [o, p, function(a3) { return a3.map(function(a4, b4) { var c4 = a4.map(function(a5, c5) { return q[b4][1][c5](a5); }).join(","); return q[b4][0] == "matrix" && c4.split(",").length == 16 && (q[b4][0] = "matrix3d"), q[b4][0] + "(" + c4 + ")"; }).join(" "); }]; } var k = null, l = { px: 0 }, m = { deg: 0 }, n = { matrix: ["NNNNNN", [k, k, 0, 0, k, k, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, k, k, 0, 1], d2], matrix3d: ["NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", d2], rotate: ["A"], rotatex: ["A"], rotatey: ["A"], rotatez: ["A"], rotate3d: ["NNNA"], perspective: ["L"], scale: ["Nn", c2([k, k, 1]), d2], scalex: ["N", c2([k, 1, 1]), c2([k, 1])], scaley: ["N", c2([1, k, 1]), c2([1, k])], scalez: ["N", c2([1, 1, k])], scale3d: ["NNN", d2], skew: ["Aa", null, d2], skewx: ["A", null, c2([k, m])], skewy: ["A", null, c2([m, k])], translate: ["Tt", c2([k, k, l]), d2], translatex: ["T", c2([k, l, l]), c2([k, l])], translatey: ["T", c2([l, k, l]), c2([l, k])], translatez: ["L", c2([l, l, k])], translate3d: ["TTL", d2] }; a2.addPropertiesHandler(e, j, ["transform"]), a2.transformToSvgMatrix = function(b3) { var c3 = a2.transformListToMatrix(e(b3)); return "matrix(" + f(c3[0]) + " " + f(c3[1]) + " " + f(c3[4]) + " " + f(c3[5]) + " " + f(c3[12]) + " " + f(c3[13]) + ")"; }; }(b), function(a2) { function b2(a3) { var b3 = Number(a3); if (!(isNaN(b3) || b3 < 100 || b3 > 900 || b3 % 100 != 0)) return b3; } function c2(b3) { return b3 = 100 * Math.round(b3 / 100), b3 = a2.clamp(100, 900, b3), b3 === 400 ? "normal" : b3 === 700 ? "bold" : String(b3); } function d2(a3, b3) { return [a3, b3, c2]; } a2.addPropertiesHandler(b2, d2, ["font-weight"]); }(b), function(a2) { function b2(a3) { var b3 = {}; for (var c3 in a3) b3[c3] = -a3[c3]; return b3; } function c2(b3) { return a2.consumeToken(/^(left|center|right|top|bottom)\b/i, b3) || a2.consumeLengthOrPercent(b3); } function d2(b3, d3) { var e2 = a2.consumeRepeated(c2, /^/, d3); if (e2 && e2[1] == "") { var f2 = e2[0]; if (f2[0] = f2[0] || "center", f2[1] = f2[1] || "center", b3 == 3 && (f2[2] = f2[2] || { px: 0 }), f2.length == b3) { if (/top|bottom/.test(f2[0]) || /left|right/.test(f2[1])) { var h2 = f2[0]; f2[0] = f2[1], f2[1] = h2; } if (/left|right|center|Object/.test(f2[0]) && /top|bottom|center|Object/.test(f2[1])) return f2.map(function(a3) { return typeof a3 == "object" ? a3 : g[a3]; }); } } } function e(d3) { var e2 = a2.consumeRepeated(c2, /^/, d3); if (e2) { for (var f2 = e2[0], h2 = [{ "%": 50 }, { "%": 50 }], i2 = 0, j = false, k = 0; k < f2.length; k++) { var l = f2[k]; typeof l == "string" ? (j = /bottom|right/.test(l), i2 = { left: 0, right: 0, center: i2, top: 1, bottom: 1 }[l], h2[i2] = g[l], l == "center" && i2++) : (j && (l = b2(l), l["%"] = (l["%"] || 0) + 100), h2[i2] = l, i2++, j = false); } return [h2, e2[1]]; } } function f(b3) { var c3 = a2.consumeRepeated(e, /^,/, b3); if (c3 && c3[1] == "") return c3[0]; } var g = { left: { "%": 0 }, center: { "%": 50 }, right: { "%": 100 }, top: { "%": 0 }, bottom: { "%": 100 } }, h = a2.mergeNestedRepeated.bind(null, a2.mergeDimensions, " "); a2.addPropertiesHandler(d2.bind(null, 3), h, ["transform-origin"]), a2.addPropertiesHandler(d2.bind(null, 2), h, ["perspective-origin"]), a2.consumePosition = e, a2.mergeOffsetList = h; var i = a2.mergeNestedRepeated.bind(null, h, ", "); a2.addPropertiesHandler(f, i, ["background-position", "object-position"]); }(b), function(a2) { function b2(b3) { var c3 = a2.consumeToken(/^circle/, b3); if (c3 && c3[0]) return ["circle"].concat(a2.consumeList([a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(void 0, /^\(/)), d2, a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(void 0, /^at/)), a2.consumePosition, a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(void 0, /^\)/))], c3[1])); var f2 = a2.consumeToken(/^ellipse/, b3); if (f2 && f2[0]) return ["ellipse"].concat(a2.consumeList([a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(void 0, /^\(/)), e, a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(void 0, /^at/)), a2.consumePosition, a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(void 0, /^\)/))], f2[1])); var g2 = a2.consumeToken(/^polygon/, b3); return g2 && g2[0] ? ["polygon"].concat(a2.consumeList([a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(void 0, /^\(/)), a2.optional(a2.consumeToken.bind(void 0, /^nonzero\s*,|^evenodd\s*,/), "nonzero,"), a2.consumeSizePairList, a2.ignore(a2.consumeToken.bind(void 0, /^\)/))], g2[1])) : void 0; } function c2(b3, c3) { if (b3[0] === c3[0]) return b3[0] == "circle" ? a2.mergeList(b3.slice(1), c3.slice(1), ["circle(", a2.mergeDimensions, " at ", a2.mergeOffsetList, ")"]) : b3[0] == "ellipse" ? a2.mergeList(b3.slice(1), c3.slice(1), ["ellipse(", a2.mergeNonNegativeSizePair, " at ", a2.mergeOffsetList, ")"]) : b3[0] == "polygon" && b3[1] == c3[1] ? a2.mergeList(b3.slice(2), c3.slice(2), ["polygon(", b3[1], g, ")"]) : void 0; } var d2 = a2.consumeParenthesised.bind(null, a2.parseLengthOrPercent), e = a2.consumeRepeated.bind(void 0, d2, /^/), f = a2.mergeNestedRepeated.bind(void 0, a2.mergeDimensions, " "), g = a2.mergeNestedRepeated.bind(void 0, f, ","); a2.addPropertiesHandler(b2, c2, ["shape-outside"]); }(b), function(a2, b2) { function c2(a3, b3) { b3.concat([a3]).forEach(function(b4) { b4 in document.documentElement.style && (d2[a3] = b4), e[b4] = a3; }); } var d2 = {}, e = {}; c2("transform", ["webkitTransform", "msTransform"]), c2("transformOrigin", ["webkitTransformOrigin"]), c2("perspective", ["webkitPerspective"]), c2("perspectiveOrigin", ["webkitPerspectiveOrigin"]), a2.propertyName = function(a3) { return d2[a3] || a3; }, a2.unprefixedPropertyName = function(a3) { return e[a3] || a3; }; }(b); }(), function() { if (document.createElement("div").animate([]).oncancel === void 0) { var a2; if (window.performance && performance.now) var a2 = function() { return performance.now(); }; else var a2 = function() { return Date.now(); }; var b2 = function(a3, b3, c2) { this.target = a3, this.currentTime = b3, this.timelineTime = c2, this.type = "cancel", this.bubbles = false, this.cancelable = false, this.currentTarget = a3, this.defaultPrevented = false, this.eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET, this.timeStamp = Date.now(); }, c = window.Element.prototype.animate; window.Element.prototype.animate = function(d, e) { var f = c.call(this, d, e); f._cancelHandlers = [], f.oncancel = null; var g = f.cancel; f.cancel = function() { g.call(this); var c2 = new b2(this, null, a2()), d2 = this._cancelHandlers.concat(this.oncancel ? [this.oncancel] : []); setTimeout(function() { d2.forEach(function(a3) { a3.call(c2.target, c2); }); }, 0); }; var h = f.addEventListener; f.addEventListener = function(a3, b3) { typeof b3 == "function" && a3 == "cancel" ? this._cancelHandlers.push(b3) : h.call(this, a3, b3); }; var i = f.removeEventListener; return f.removeEventListener = function(a3, b3) { if (a3 == "cancel") { var c2 = this._cancelHandlers.indexOf(b3); c2 >= 0 && this._cancelHandlers.splice(c2, 1); } else i.call(this, a3, b3); }, f; }; } }(), function(a2) { var b2 = document.documentElement, c = null, d = false; try { var e = getComputedStyle(b2).getPropertyValue("opacity"), f = e == "0" ? "1" : "0"; c = b2.animate({ opacity: [f, f] }, { duration: 1 }), c.currentTime = 0, d = getComputedStyle(b2).getPropertyValue("opacity") == f; } catch (a3) { } finally { c && c.cancel(); } if (!d) { var g = window.Element.prototype.animate; window.Element.prototype.animate = function(b3, c2) { return window.Symbol && Symbol.iterator && Array.prototype.from && b3[Symbol.iterator] && (b3 = Array.from(b3)), Array.isArray(b3) || b3 === null || (b3 = a2.convertToArrayForm(b3)), g.call(this, b3, c2); }; } }(a); }(); // node_modules/tocca/Tocca.js (function(doc, win) { if (typeof doc.createEvent !== "function") return false; var pointerEvent = function(type) { var lo = type.toLowerCase(), ms = "MS" + type; return navigator.msPointerEnabled ? ms : window.PointerEvent ? lo : false; }, touchEvent = function(name) { return "on" + name in window ? name : false; }, defaults = { useJquery: !win.IGNORE_JQUERY && typeof jQuery !== "undefined", swipeThreshold: win.SWIPE_THRESHOLD || 100, tapThreshold: win.TAP_THRESHOLD || 150, dbltapThreshold: win.DBL_TAP_THRESHOLD || 200, longtapThreshold: win.LONG_TAP_THRESHOLD || 1e3, tapPrecision: win.TAP_PRECISION / 2 || 60 / 2, justTouchEvents: win.JUST_ON_TOUCH_DEVICES }, wasTouch = false, touchevents = { touchstart: touchEvent("touchstart") || pointerEvent("PointerDown"), touchend: touchEvent("touchend") || pointerEvent("PointerUp"), touchmove: touchEvent("touchmove") || pointerEvent("PointerMove") }, isTheSameFingerId = function(e) { return !e.pointerId || typeof pointerId === "undefined" || e.pointerId === pointerId; }, setListener = function(elm, events, callback) { var eventsArray = events.split(" "), i = eventsArray.length; while (i--) { elm.addEventListener(eventsArray[i], callback, false); } }, getPointerEvent = function(event) { var hasTargetTouches = Boolean(event.targetTouches && event.targetTouches.length); switch (true) { case Boolean(event.target.touches): return event.target.touches[0]; case (hasTargetTouches && typeof event.targetTouches[0].pageX !== "undefined"): return event.targetTouches[0]; case (hasTargetTouches && Boolean(event.targetTouches[0].touches)): return event.targetTouches[0].touches[0]; default: return event; } }, isMultipleTouches = function(event) { return (event.targetTouches || event.target.touches || []).length > 1; }, getTimestamp = function() { return new Date().getTime(); }, sendEvent = function(elm, eventName, originalEvent, data) { var customEvent = doc.createEvent("Event"); customEvent.originalEvent = originalEvent; data = data || {}; data.x = currX; data.y = currY; if (defaults.useJquery) { customEvent = jQuery.Event(eventName, { originalEvent }); jQuery(elm).trigger(customEvent, data); } if (customEvent.initEvent) { for (var key in data) { customEvent[key] = data[key]; } customEvent.initEvent(eventName, true, true); elm.dispatchEvent(customEvent); } while (elm) { if (elm["on" + eventName]) elm["on" + eventName](customEvent); elm = elm.parentNode; } }, onTouchStart = function(e) { if (!isTheSameFingerId(e) || isMultipleTouches(e)) return; pointerId = e.pointerId; if (e.type !== "mousedown") wasTouch = true; if (e.type === "mousedown" && wasTouch) return; var pointer = getPointerEvent(e); cachedX = currX = pointer.pageX; cachedY = currY = pointer.pageY; longtapTimer = setTimeout(function() { sendEvent(e.target, "longtap", e); target = e.target; }, defaults.longtapThreshold); timestamp = getTimestamp(); tapNum++; }, onTouchEnd = function(e) { if (!isTheSameFingerId(e) || isMultipleTouches(e)) return; pointerId = void 0; if (e.type === "mouseup" && wasTouch) { wasTouch = false; return; } var eventsArr = [], now2 = getTimestamp(), deltaY = cachedY - currY, deltaX = cachedX - currX; clearTimeout(dblTapTimer); clearTimeout(longtapTimer); if (deltaX <= -defaults.swipeThreshold) eventsArr.push("swiperight"); if (deltaX >= defaults.swipeThreshold) eventsArr.push("swipeleft"); if (deltaY <= -defaults.swipeThreshold) eventsArr.push("swipedown"); if (deltaY >= defaults.swipeThreshold) eventsArr.push("swipeup"); if (eventsArr.length) { for (var i = 0; i < eventsArr.length; i++) { var eventName = eventsArr[i]; sendEvent(e.target, eventName, e, { distance: { x: Math.abs(deltaX), y: Math.abs(deltaY) } }); } tapNum = 0; } else { if (cachedX >= currX - defaults.tapPrecision && cachedX <= currX + defaults.tapPrecision && cachedY >= currY - defaults.tapPrecision && cachedY <= currY + defaults.tapPrecision) { if (timestamp + defaults.tapThreshold - now2 >= 0) { sendEvent(e.target, tapNum >= 2 && target === e.target ? "dbltap" : "tap", e); target = e.target; } } dblTapTimer = setTimeout(function() { tapNum = 0; }, defaults.dbltapThreshold); } }, onTouchMove = function(e) { if (!isTheSameFingerId(e)) return; if (e.type === "mousemove" && wasTouch) return; var pointer = getPointerEvent(e); currX = pointer.pageX; currY = pointer.pageY; }, tapNum = 0, pointerId, currX, currY, cachedX, cachedY, timestamp, target, dblTapTimer, longtapTimer; setListener(doc, touchevents.touchstart + (defaults.justTouchEvents ? "" : " mousedown"), onTouchStart); setListener(doc, touchevents.touchend + (defaults.justTouchEvents ? "" : " mouseup"), onTouchEnd); setListener(doc, touchevents.touchmove + (defaults.justTouchEvents ? "" : " mousemove"), onTouchMove); win.tocca = function(options) { for (var opt in options) { defaults[opt] = options[opt]; } return defaults; }; })(document, window); // node_modules/instant.page/instantpage.js var mouseoverTimer; var lastTouchTimestamp; var prefetches = new Set(); var prefetchElement = document.createElement("link"); var isSupported = prefetchElement.relList && prefetchElement.relList.supports && prefetchElement.relList.supports("prefetch") && window.IntersectionObserver && "isIntersecting" in IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype; var allowQueryString = "instantAllowQueryString" in document.body.dataset; var allowExternalLinks = "instantAllowExternalLinks" in document.body.dataset; var useWhitelist = "instantWhitelist" in document.body.dataset; var mousedownShortcut = "instantMousedownShortcut" in document.body.dataset; var DELAY_TO_NOT_BE_CONSIDERED_A_TOUCH_INITIATED_ACTION = 1111; var delayOnHover = 65; var useMousedown = false; var useMousedownOnly = false; var useViewport = false; 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if (!isPreloadable(linkElement)) { return; } preload(linkElement.href); } function mouseoverListener(event) { if (performance.now() - lastTouchTimestamp < DELAY_TO_NOT_BE_CONSIDERED_A_TOUCH_INITIATED_ACTION) { return; } const linkElement = event.target.closest("a"); if (!isPreloadable(linkElement)) { return; } linkElement.addEventListener("mouseout", mouseoutListener, { passive: true }); mouseoverTimer = setTimeout(() => { preload(linkElement.href); mouseoverTimer = void 0; }, delayOnHover); } function mousedownListener(event) { const linkElement = event.target.closest("a"); if (!isPreloadable(linkElement)) { return; } preload(linkElement.href); } function mouseoutListener(event) { if (event.relatedTarget && event.target.closest("a") == event.relatedTarget.closest("a")) { return; } if (mouseoverTimer) { clearTimeout(mouseoverTimer); mouseoverTimer = void 0; } } function mousedownShortcutListener(event) { if (performance.now() - lastTouchTimestamp < DELAY_TO_NOT_BE_CONSIDERED_A_TOUCH_INITIATED_ACTION) { return; } const linkElement = event.target.closest("a"); if (event.which > 1 || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) { return; } if (!linkElement) { return; } linkElement.addEventListener("click", function(event2) { if (event2.detail == 1337) { return; } event2.preventDefault(); }, { capture: true, passive: false, once: true }); const customEvent = new MouseEvent("click", { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, detail: 1337 }); linkElement.dispatchEvent(customEvent); } function isPreloadable(linkElement) { if (!linkElement || !linkElement.href) { return; } if (useWhitelist && !("instant" in linkElement.dataset)) { return; } if (!allowExternalLinks && linkElement.origin != location.origin && !("instant" in linkElement.dataset)) { return; } if (!["http:", "https:"].includes(linkElement.protocol)) { return; } if (linkElement.protocol == "http:" && location.protocol == "https:") { return; } if (!allowQueryString && linkElement.search && !("instant" in linkElement.dataset)) { return; } if (linkElement.hash && linkElement.pathname + linkElement.search == location.pathname + location.search) { return; } if ("noInstant" in linkElement.dataset) { return; } return true; } function preload(url) { if (prefetches.has(url)) { return; } const prefetcher = document.createElement("link"); prefetcher.rel = "prefetch"; prefetcher.href = url; document.head.appendChild(prefetcher); prefetches.add(url); } // node_modules/seamless-scroll-polyfill/lib/common.js var checkBehavior = (behavior) => { return behavior === void 0 || behavior === "auto" || behavior === "instant" || behavior === "smooth"; }; function elementScrollXY(x, y) { this.scrollLeft = x; this.scrollTop = y; } var failedExecute = (method, object, reason = "cannot convert to dictionary.") => `Failed to execute '${method}' on '${object}': ${reason}`; var failedExecuteInvalidEnumValue = (method, object, value) => failedExecute(method, object, `The provided value '${value}' is not a valid enum value of type ScrollBehavior.`); var backupMethod = (proto, method, fallback) => { var _a; const backup = `__SEAMLESS.BACKUP$${method}`; if (!proto[backup] && proto[method] && !((_a = proto[method]) == null ? void 0 : _a.__isPolyfill)) { proto[backup] = proto[method]; } return proto[backup] || fallback; }; var isObject = (value) => { const type = typeof value; return value !== null && (type === "object" || type === "function"); }; var isScrollBehaviorSupported = () => "scrollBehavior" in window.document.documentElement.style; var markPolyfill = (method) => { Object.defineProperty(method, "__isPolyfill", { value: true }); }; var modifyPrototypes = (prop, func) => { markPolyfill(func); [HTMLElement.prototype, SVGElement.prototype, Element.prototype].forEach((prototype) => { backupMethod(prototype, prop); prototype[prop] = func; }); }; var scrollingElement = (element) => element.ownerDocument.scrollingElement || element.ownerDocument.documentElement; // node_modules/seamless-scroll-polyfill/lib/scroll-step.js var ease = (k) => { return 0.5 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * k)); }; var now = () => { var _a, _b, _c; return (_c = (_b = (_a = window.performance) == null ? void 0 : _a.now) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)) != null ? _c : window.Date.now(); }; var DURATION = 500; var step = (context) => { const currentTime = now(); const elapsed = (currentTime - context.timeStamp) / (context.duration || DURATION); if (elapsed > 1) { context.method(context.targetX, context.targetY); context.callback(); return; } const value = (context.timingFunc || ease)(elapsed); const currentX = context.startX + (context.targetX - context.startX) * value; const currentY = context.startY + (context.targetY - context.startY) * value; context.method(currentX, currentY); context.rafId = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { step(context); }); }; // node_modules/seamless-scroll-polyfill/lib/scroll.js var nonFinite = (value) => { if (!isFinite(value)) { return 0; } return Number(value); }; var isConnected = (node) => { var _a; return (_a = node.isConnected) != null ? _a : !node.ownerDocument || !(node.ownerDocument.compareDocumentPosition(node) & 1); }; var scrollWithOptions = (element, options, config) => { var _a, _b; if (!isConnected(element)) { return; } const startX = element.scrollLeft; const startY = element.scrollTop; const targetX = nonFinite((_a = options.left) != null ? _a : startX); const targetY = nonFinite((_b = options.top) != null ? _b : startY); if (targetX === startX && targetY === startY) { return; } const fallback = backupMethod(HTMLElement.prototype, "scroll", elementScrollXY); const method = backupMethod(Object.getPrototypeOf(element), "scroll", fallback).bind(element); if (options.behavior !== "smooth") { method(targetX, targetY); return; } const removeEventListener = () => { window.removeEventListener("wheel", cancelScroll); window.removeEventListener("touchmove", cancelScroll); }; const context = { ...config, timeStamp: now(), startX, startY, targetX, targetY, rafId: 0, method, callback: removeEventListener }; const cancelScroll = () => { window.cancelAnimationFrame(context.rafId); removeEventListener(); }; window.addEventListener("wheel", cancelScroll, { passive: true, once: true }); window.addEventListener("touchmove", cancelScroll, { passive: true, once: true }); step(context); }; var isWindow = (obj) => obj.window === obj; var createScroll = (scrollName) => (target, scrollOptions, config) => { const [element, scrollType] = isWindow(target) ? [scrollingElement(target.document.documentElement), "Window"] : [target, "Element"]; const options = scrollOptions != null ? scrollOptions : {}; if (!isObject(options)) { throw new TypeError(failedExecute(scrollName, scrollType)); } if (!checkBehavior(options.behavior)) { throw new TypeError(failedExecuteInvalidEnumValue(scrollName, scrollType, options.behavior)); } if (scrollName === "scrollBy") { options.left = nonFinite(options.left) + element.scrollLeft; options.top = nonFinite(options.top) + element.scrollTop; } scrollWithOptions(element, options, config); }; var scroll = createScroll("scroll"); var scrollTo = createScroll("scrollTo"); var scrollBy = createScroll("scrollBy"); var elementScroll = scroll; // node_modules/seamless-scroll-polyfill/lib/scrollIntoView.js var normalizeWritingMode = (writingMode) => { switch (writingMode) { case "horizontal-tb": case "lr": case "lr-tb": case "rl": case "rl-tb": return 0; case "vertical-rl": case "tb": case "tb-rl": return 1; case "vertical-lr": case "tb-lr": return 2; case "sideways-rl": return 3; case "sideways-lr": return 4; } return 0; }; var calcPhysicalAxis = (writingMode, isLTR, hPos, vPos) => { let layout = 0; if (!isLTR) { layout ^= 2; } switch (writingMode) { case 0: layout = layout >> 1 | (layout & 1) << 1; [hPos, vPos] = [vPos, hPos]; break; case 1: case 3: layout ^= 1; break; case 4: layout ^= 2; break; } return [layout, hPos, vPos]; }; var isXReversed = (computedStyle) => { const layout = calcPhysicalAxis(normalizeWritingMode(computedStyle.writingMode), computedStyle.direction !== "rtl", void 0, void 0)[0]; return (layout & 1) === 1; }; var toPhysicalAlignment = (options, writingMode, isLTR) => { const [layout, hPos, vPos] = calcPhysicalAxis(writingMode, isLTR, options.block || "start", options.inline || "nearest"); return [hPos, vPos].map((value, index) => { switch (value) { case "center": return 1; case "nearest": return 0; default: { const reverse = layout >> index & 1; return value === "start" === !reverse ? 2 : 3; } } }); }; var mapNearest = (align, scrollingEdgeStart, scrollingEdgeEnd, scrollingSize, elementEdgeStart, elementEdgeEnd, elementSize) => { if (align !== 0) { return align; } if (elementEdgeStart < scrollingEdgeStart && elementEdgeEnd > scrollingEdgeEnd || elementEdgeStart > scrollingEdgeStart && elementEdgeEnd < scrollingEdgeEnd) { return null; } if (elementEdgeStart <= scrollingEdgeStart && elementSize <= scrollingSize || elementEdgeEnd >= scrollingEdgeEnd && elementSize >= scrollingSize) { return 2; } if (elementEdgeEnd > scrollingEdgeEnd && elementSize < scrollingSize || elementEdgeStart < scrollingEdgeStart && elementSize > scrollingSize) { return 3; } return null; }; var canOverflow = (overflow) => { return overflow !== "visible" && overflow !== "clip"; }; var getFrameElement = (element) => { var _a; try { return ((_a = element.ownerDocument.defaultView) == null ? void 0 : _a.frameElement) || null; } catch { return null; } }; var isScrollable = (element, computedStyle) => { if (element.clientHeight < element.scrollHeight || element.clientWidth < element.scrollWidth) { return canOverflow(computedStyle.overflowY) || canOverflow(computedStyle.overflowX) || element === scrollingElement(element); } return false; }; var parentElement = (element) => { const pNode = element.parentNode; const pElement = element.parentElement; if (pElement === null && pNode !== null) { if (pNode.nodeType === 11) { return pNode.host; } if (pNode.nodeType === 9) { return getFrameElement(element); } } return pElement; }; var clamp = (value, min, max) => { if (value < min) { return min; } if (value > max) { return max; } return value; }; var getSupportedScrollMarginProperty = (ownerDocument) => { return ["scroll-margin", "scroll-snap-margin"].filter((property) => property in ownerDocument.documentElement.style)[0]; }; var getElementScrollSnapArea = (element, elementRect, computedStyle) => { const { top, right, bottom, left } = elementRect; const scrollProperty = getSupportedScrollMarginProperty(element.ownerDocument); if (!scrollProperty) { return [top, right, bottom, left]; } const scrollMarginValue = (edge) => { const value = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(`${scrollProperty}-${edge}`); return parseInt(value, 10) || 0; }; return [ top - scrollMarginValue("top"), right + scrollMarginValue("right"), bottom + scrollMarginValue("bottom"), left - scrollMarginValue("left") ]; }; var calcAlignEdge = (align, start, end) => { switch (align) { case 1: return (start + end) / 2; case 3: return end; case 2: case 0: return start; } }; var getFrameViewport = (frame, frameRect) => { var _a, _b, _c; const visualViewport = (_a = frame.ownerDocument.defaultView) == null ? void 0 : _a.visualViewport; const [x, y, width, height] = frame === scrollingElement(frame) ? [0, 0, (_b = visualViewport == null ? void 0 : visualViewport.width) != null ? _b : frame.clientWidth, (_c = visualViewport == null ? void 0 : visualViewport.height) != null ? _c : frame.clientHeight] : [frameRect.left, frameRect.top, frame.clientWidth, frame.clientHeight]; const left = x + frame.clientLeft; const top = y + frame.clientTop; const right = left + width; const bottom = top + height; return [top, right, bottom, left]; }; var computeScrollIntoView = (element, options) => { const actions = []; let ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument; let ownerWindow = ownerDocument.defaultView; if (!ownerWindow) { return actions; } const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element); const isLTR = computedStyle.direction !== "rtl"; const writingMode = normalizeWritingMode(computedStyle.writingMode || computedStyle.getPropertyValue("-webkit-writing-mode") || computedStyle.getPropertyValue("-ms-writing-mode")); const [alignH, alignV] = toPhysicalAlignment(options, writingMode, isLTR); let [top, right, bottom, left] = getElementScrollSnapArea(element, element.getBoundingClientRect(), computedStyle); for (let frame = parentElement(element); frame !== null; frame = parentElement(frame)) { if (ownerDocument !== frame.ownerDocument) { ownerDocument = frame.ownerDocument; ownerWindow = ownerDocument.defaultView; if (!ownerWindow) { break; } const { left: dX, top: dY } = frame.getBoundingClientRect(); top += dY; right += dX; bottom += dY; left += dX; } const frameStyle = ownerWindow.getComputedStyle(frame); if (frameStyle.position === "fixed") { break; } if (!isScrollable(frame, frameStyle)) { continue; } const frameRect = frame.getBoundingClientRect(); const [frameTop, frameRight, frameBottom, frameLeft] = getFrameViewport(frame, frameRect); const eAlignH = mapNearest(alignH, frameLeft, frameRight, frame.clientWidth, left, right, right - left); const eAlignV = mapNearest(alignV, frameTop, frameBottom, frame.clientHeight, top, bottom, bottom - top); const diffX = eAlignH === null ? 0 : calcAlignEdge(eAlignH, left, right) - calcAlignEdge(eAlignH, frameLeft, frameRight); const diffY = eAlignV === null ? 0 : calcAlignEdge(eAlignV, top, bottom) - calcAlignEdge(eAlignV, frameTop, frameBottom); const moveX = isXReversed(frameStyle) ? clamp(diffX, -frame.scrollWidth + frame.clientWidth - frame.scrollLeft, -frame.scrollLeft) : clamp(diffX, -frame.scrollLeft, frame.scrollWidth - frame.clientWidth - frame.scrollLeft); const moveY = clamp(diffY, -frame.scrollTop, frame.scrollHeight - frame.clientHeight - frame.scrollTop); actions.push([ frame, { left: frame.scrollLeft + moveX, top: frame.scrollTop + moveY, behavior: options.behavior } ]); top = Math.max(top - moveY, frameTop); right = Math.min(right - moveX, frameRight); bottom = Math.min(bottom - moveY, frameBottom); left = Math.max(left - moveX, frameLeft); } return actions; }; var scrollIntoView = (element, scrollIntoViewOptions, config) => { const options = scrollIntoViewOptions || {}; if (!checkBehavior(options.behavior)) { throw new TypeError(failedExecuteInvalidEnumValue("scrollIntoView", "Element", options.behavior)); } const actions = computeScrollIntoView(element, options); actions.forEach(([frame, scrollToOptions]) => { elementScroll(frame, scrollToOptions, config); }); }; var elementScrollIntoView = scrollIntoView; // node_modules/seamless-scroll-polyfill/lib/scroll.polyfill.js var createPolyfill = (scrollName, patch) => (config) => { if (isScrollBehaviorSupported()) { return; } const scrollMethod = { scroll, scrollTo, scrollBy }[scrollName]; patch(scrollName, function() { const args = arguments; if (arguments.length === 1) { scrollMethod(this, args[0], config); return; } const left = args[0]; const top = args[1]; scrollMethod(this, { left, top }); }); }; var elementScrollPolyfill = createPolyfill("scroll", modifyPrototypes); var elementScrollToPolyfill = createPolyfill("scrollTo", modifyPrototypes); var elementScrollByPolyfill = createPolyfill("scrollBy", modifyPrototypes); var modifyWindow = (prop, func) => { markPolyfill(func); backupMethod(window, prop); window[prop] = func; }; var windowScrollPolyfill = createPolyfill("scroll", modifyWindow); var windowScrollToPolyfill = createPolyfill("scrollTo", modifyWindow); var windowScrollByPolyfill = createPolyfill("scrollBy", modifyWindow); // node_modules/seamless-scroll-polyfill/lib/scrollIntoView.polyfill.js function elementScrollIntoViewBoolean(alignToTop) { elementScrollIntoView(this, { block: (alignToTop != null ? alignToTop : true) ? "start" : "end", inline: "nearest" }); } var elementScrollIntoViewPolyfill = (config) => { if (isScrollBehaviorSupported()) { return; } const originalFunc = backupMethod(window.HTMLElement.prototype, "scrollIntoView", elementScrollIntoViewBoolean); modifyPrototypes("scrollIntoView", function scrollIntoView2() { const args = arguments; const options = args[0]; if (args.length === 1 && isObject(options)) { elementScrollIntoView(this, options, config); return; } originalFunc.apply(this, args); }); }; // js/vendor.js elementScrollIntoViewPolyfill(); elementScrollToPolyfill(); elementScrollByPolyfill(); })(); /*! (c) Andrea Giammarchi @webreflection ISC */ /*! instant.page v5.1.0 - (C) 2019-2020 Alexandre Dieulot - https://instant.page/license */